
Rat Rods Rule

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Taste's like chicken!!!!

Having been raised in SoCal, we used to run into rattlers quite often. Usually western diamond backs and occasionally timberbacks. The timberbacks were the one's that were aggressive and if provoked would chase. The d-backs would usually take off. Now living on the wet side of Oregon, poisoness snakes are not a threat. Only on the "dry" side of the state. I don't miss them at all.
Tasted Rattle snake one time . My AG. teacher cooked it for a few of us. he cooked some fish too .. so it tasted like fish cause he used the same meal that he used for the fish. If you were just at a fish cooking and there were fish peices being cooked .. you would not know you were eating it . especially if you had all the fixings going with it fries , hush-puppys , slaw. [dr making me hungry for some fish now .....I dont think Id go kill a snake just to eat him though .. Get rid of him (YES) they say that about frog legs too .. eeeehhh !!!! ate them one time too ... just give me the chicken
Just saw my first one of the year on Friday, crossing the dirt road. I stopped the truck to get a closer look at him. It was a 3 1/2 foot Mohave. Particularly dangerous because their venom is a neurotoxin. Apparently it affects your vision and motor skills in a very short time. They say that the Mohave is aggressive but that hasn't been my experience. I've gotten pretty close to a few of them to look them over and they seemed kind of docile. They come in a variety of colors, brown, green, red. Pretty neat lookin for a snake. I have had a couple runins with western diamondbacks (coontails) that came right at me, all ****ed off and rattling. I dispatched those immediately. Unless they're close to the house, I let them be. That is, as long as they don't come at me.

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