54 Studebaker​ truck

Rat Rods Rule

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Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Dec 21, 2007
Edgewood, New Mexico off Route 66
My son is getting a great start on the Studebaker truck he got from me. Put it on a Dodge Shelby Dakota frame. He'll probably will have his done before I finish mine. But that's why he got the truck.

That's gonna be a nice truck. I have always wanted one of those since I just missed buying one several years ago. It had a hot 302 Ford with a 4 speed top loader in it, medium blue, deep slotted aluminum wheels. Haven't seen it since I missed buying it.
when I was a kid there was one at the gas station up the street 327 4 speed always liked it
Jesse figured out the steering using oem steering u joints. He could have moved the engine back but everything fit in the stock position behind the grille.

Floor of the bed cut out and positioned in place.


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