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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. T

    My 29 REO Flying Cloud build

    The body looks good to me, oh you mean the car
  2. T

    My 39 so far

    Gotta love those 39 front ends, now go drop a nailhead in there! :)
  3. T

    If you could own one famous car....

    My 1st choice would have to be the 67 Camaro from Better Off Dead and I would be blasting "Mannish Boy" thru the stereo looking for street races with the local Howard Cosell wanna be's :) The car is alive and well at My 2nd choice if I am allowed one would be the...
  4. T

    Another NJ Newbie checkin in

    Hey ch3no2fc, Just a fan of Nitro Methane Funny Cars or do you actually have one?
  5. T

    Another NJ Newbie checkin in

    Thanks folks, No iron yet to show but at one time I had 3 to 4 cars now just down to the Mustang and family Minivan. Will be on the lookout to drag something home in the near future. Realistically I need to do a few things first so I'll start looking hard in the spring. The garage is full of...
  6. T

    Another NJ Newbie checkin in

    Hi all, I stumbled across this site from a post on either HAMB or Killbillet site don't remember which one. I've interjected comments hear and there but not really an active poster on either. I am more into learning by reading up at the moment. I have read a little thru this site and it looks...