
Rat Rods Rule

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RRR Supportor
Jan 13, 2018
South West CT
I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have been pre-diabetic for a long time and it finally took hold. To say I am not freaking out a little would be a lie. I am thinking others may be in the same spot as me and what have you done to cope I have switched up my diet and know that I could afford to lose 20lbs so plan to go back to working out. Anything special anyone has done? Thanks. Jim
My Pop(RIP) was diagnosed with type 2 when he was in his 60s and never took shots, just pills but lived past his 91st birthday. I agree with trying to manage things on a natural basis. Pay particular attention to any medicine side effects if you get prescribed.
I've been type II for over 20 years now. You will have to make adjustments to your lifestyle I won't lie to you! Your diet should change mainly limit the carbs and sugar you eat.
I did lose 70 pounds since I retired too, so my a1c has been good for 6 years. I am still on insulin but have cut way back.
So retiring worked the best for me! 😉😁
Good luck to you!
Dr e-man says our bodies naturally make sugar to burn in our muscles. If we don't burn it thru activity and if our muscles aren't toned to use it anyway there's the problem. I was told i was pre diabetic but luckily i like to walk, think about rat rods and listen to music. Now i pace thru the house with weights for at least an hour a day. This corrected the problem for me.
My son was on insulin for several years, then he decided to do something about it.
He started out walking on the treadmill 2 hours a day, changed his medicine and changed his diet. In 2 years time, under a doctors watch, he lost 1/2 of his body weight! He went from 370lbs down to 185lbs. his goal was to loose 1/2 his body weight, but then his Dr suggested he should put on about 5 more lbs 9he is 6'2" tall). He has kept the weight off for more then 6 months. His a1c runs in the low 5s. He is no longer taking insulin, still walks on the treadmill every day, and has taken up a bit of weight lifting.

For the record, he weighed nearly 300 lbs his senior year in High School. He has been a big guy since he was in 2nd grade.
Thanks guys. I was really into weight lifting in my 20's and early 30's then got married and had kids and things change. I always say that the worse thing I ever did was let myself get out of shape. I could stand to loose 25 to 30 lbs. I have over the past year gone back to the gym but it is sporadic. Now that I retired I hope to get back on a routine. Jim
Listen to these guys! In a way, everyone is telling the same story. Identify, adapt, and overcome! Nobody gets off this rock alive, but if you don't allow stress to get to you and use the things you've learned all your life on how to avoid dangers, live your life like you want to keep doing things, you will! At my point in life, I believe I'm only still breathing because of attitude...
Thanks all. Just trying wrap my head around all this. Need to take control and will. Luckily for me this is really my 1st real health issue. Had cholesterol issues all my life as did my Parents but this is new. I’ll come out the other end fine I’m sure. Appreciate the advice. Jim

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