fuse block

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Well-known member
May 22, 2007
i have to wire my 67 rambler bumper to bumper. the old fuse block mounts under the dash and not to the firewall. i will go with blade fuses to do this. question. what block are yall using or yall ordering wiring harnesses from somewhere to do this? on my old truck it was mounted to the firewall so i cut it and used a s10 harness, but don't really have a good place or the room for the firewall setup on the car.
I used a Speedway kit in mine. I got the one with the most circuits because I knew I was going to have AC and probably some other things. You can get the ones with less circuits for less money than I spent if you don’t plan on a lot of accessories.

I’ve heard Rebel Wire is another good choice. Whichever you get, make sure it has printed wires, it makes the job a lot easier than using only color coded wires.
The kits come with their own fuse blocks.
the fuse block on the rambler mounts on the lip of the dashboard not on the firewall. i don't have room for it on the firewall. that is the reason i asked. rebel, e-z wiring and painless only offer the firewall mounted harness, or at least all i have been able to find.
You could mount the fuse box anywhere you have room. Under hood, on a bracket from dash to firewall, in glove box, etc. Anywhere you put it you want it to be accessible without standing on your head to check the fuses. The kits come with more than enough wire, at least mine did, and you know how long my car is. You’ll have wire left over on the shorter Rambler.

I think Greenblade put a Painless harness in his Rambler over on the HAMB, you might want to check his build thread out for ideas.
the fuse block on the rambler mounts on the lip of the dashboard not on the firewall. i don't have room for it on the firewall. that is the reason i asked. rebel, e-z wiring and painless only offer the firewall mounted harness, or at least all i have been able to find.

Can't you just make an easy bracket so that it mounts in the stock mounting location? Painless and others do offer under-seat fuse panels on some kits. The difference between firewall and dash seems small.

I use Painless and they've been good for me.
I know what it is, I keep thinking about a GM style harness for some reason.
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i have to wire my 67 rambler bumper to bumper. the old fuse block mounts under the dash and not to the firewall. i will go with blade fuses to do this. question. what block are yall using or yall ordering wiring harnesses from somewhere to do this? on my old truck it was mounted to the firewall so i cut it and used a s10 harness, but don't really have a good place or the room for the firewall setup on the car.

I always use Rebel Wire kits & just rewired my '64 Rambler wagon with their 9+3 kit. I love their stuff & their tech, Jeremy, really knows his stuff! He's nearly always available & has saved my bacon anytime I have an issue! I mounted mine under the dash by the steering column where the original was.



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