trying something new

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
RRR Supportor
Nov 5, 2015
3,248 me that is...

As some of you may have read in my rant a few days ago, the woods where I live are flooded with tourists and their vehicles. Due covid lockdown city people need to get some fresh air, which I understand. Long story short; Google maps directs them to my ( private ) road, and our low profile signs are no longer read because google is always right.

I tried a sandwich board & crayons to make myself clear and that sort of helped, but you know... rain , crayon , messy... sooo time to try something new.

I`ve always loved hand painted signs, lettering ,pinstriping etc. and this was a good point to get me going. Fabbed up a metal sandwich board , got me a couple brushes and paint and started.
I`ve never done anything like this before and I didn`t feel like trying on paper so here are my very first steps :D

Nothing easy about lettering , but I love it and I am already sure I will continue doing this.

Writing is in Dutch because English would be kinda strange here... I will translate; If you park here , your car will be on craiglist tomorrow morning... and keep yer damn dog on a leash... :D


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Beautiful work dutch!
I'm not surprised though as I pegged you for a artist.
Like most artists ( My wife and daughters included) you have a favored medium, Metal. I suspect that what ever medium you worked in your results would be beautiful.[cl:cool:
People like you (and my wife and daughters) really P*&^ me off.:eek: :D [ddd
Your fan...
thanks all, hope to live long enough to get good at this...

The only thing I ever got education in is how to shoe horses. I can do that with my eyes closed and get a perfect result. Everthing else is self taught. It always is the long journey, but imo if you want to learn something new you either pay someone to teach or you pay in time and piles of wasted materials.
It`s what I`ve always done. Downside (for me) is I always have the feeling I will never reach that "professional" level which allows you to stop thinking about what you do and go where your mind wants to go.

As for painting... Once you pick up the brush, the brain shuts down for everything else.... I love that. So, if you want to have a hand lettered truck door, bring it on... I`m taking orders... :D
Beautiful work Dutch, and as I was reading the first entry I actually was thinking, " I wonder how I could get my truck doors to him". Then I scrolled down to your second entry and got a chill!
thanks all, hope to live long enough to get good at this...

The only thing I ever got education in is how to shoe horses. I can do that with my eyes closed and get a perfect result. Everthing else is self taught. It always is the long journey, but imo if you want to learn something new you either pay someone to teach or you pay in time and piles of wasted materials.
It`s what I`ve always done. Downside (for me) is I always have the feeling I will never reach that "professional" level which allows you to stop thinking about what you do and go where your mind wants to go.

As for painting... Once you pick up the brush, the brain shuts down for everything else.... I love that. So, if you want to have a hand lettered truck door, bring it on... I`m taking orders... :D
I get you on the self taught thing. Me and a class room thing don't mix. I also get the brain shutting down on all else. I call it obsessive tunnel vision. I read that it's a side effect of A.D.D.. Just because you didn't pay to be taught doesn't mean you are not a professional. I feel the same way sometimes and have to remind myself that self taught is some times tougher. The teacher can be real hard on the pupil. I've also over paid so called pros and not been satisfied.
Dutch...I get it...Dutch. nice work and cool warning lol

I too have done signs mixed with art and lettering. I hate lettering.

My favorite No Trespass sign is "Anybody found here at night will be found here in the morning"
thanks for the replies guys.

Bill.... yes thats weird... but I`m sure DHL can fix that... :D

Kenny, Obsessive tunnel vision... yes I know the drill. It can be a blessing and a curse. It brought me a bunch of skills and knowledge and it crippled me to the point I could not walk for more than 5 minutes. I got a couple "labels" on the way back from that point. My wife sys I`m still a PITA :p
The term you are all searching for is "Autodidactic."
Look it up.:p
I suspect that it would apply to the majority of us on here.
Many of the things we learn over the years are because we had too. As in stuff at school or for work.....
The things we teach ourselves stick with us better because it is usually something that we WANT to learn. Plus , we as individuals know how we our selves learn best. Not everyone learns the same way.
I used to tell my music students that they taught themselves. I was only a tour guide pointing out the high lights along the way.
Every days a school day.
aha moment.... always thought an autodidact was a 4speed lover... :D

I`m looking forward to practice painting on my next sign or whatever may come up in my head, but we`ve got 6-8" of snow and high winds coming in today and I won`t be able to get the shop anywhere near paint temps so I`ll have to wait a bit.... back to the beating panels for now... which is fun too... :)

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