Oooooof-Glad that's over with.
As I previously mentioned, I put my 64 Fury back into daily driver status. This all went down as we were being hit with a heat wave.
I have been fighting an issue in the car with hot coolant temps, while sitting in N.Y.C. traffic which is never a good thing.....
Drain old coolant, flush radiator with hose. fill with new coolant.- Didnt help.
Changed thermostat, installed new 180* thermostat.- Didn't help.
Changed thermostat, installed a new 160* thermostat- thinking if I can get it to open sooner it would begin to cool sooner.- Didn't help.
Zip Tied an electric fan in front of AC condenser. -Helped somewhat.
Installed a new BeCool Radiator, Dual 1" cores, no trans cooler built in.
Installed a plate style trans fluid cooler with fan. Installed another new 180* thermostat and changed the thermostat housing as the stocker warped from being overtightened
Had to remove AC compressor- stocker is locked up. Desperate to fix the engine cooling problem before I can worry about Pookie cooling.....
This seemed to help, but I was still uncomfortable watching the temp gauge.
Removed AC condenser, mounted Electric fan to Radiator. Seemed to be getting closer to happyville.
Changed mechanical fan to flex fan with different blades on it- Happyville.[cl
I have started to slowly ease back into working on the Pro Mod after work when I get home during the week. And I am still waiting on the Fabricated 9" from my buddy. He recently windowed his race bullet and I am sure he is up to his ears preparing another bullet capable of 6.20's @ 220mph so he can remain competitive in his class(Outlaw 10.5)
I really need to get the coal rolling here. POOKIE has been getting really antsy lately......