I am not by any imagination an artist but I have drawn up this logo for my bike shop (Hog Farm Customs). please let me know what your thoughts are, and of course any and all critisism is gladly accepted
Yeah I'd say tilt his head back a little so the snout is more visible, lay his ear back and your done. Looks good as is though, better than I could do[cl[P
I agree, the head needed to be tilted back but I couldnt get the bottom jaw to look "manly" enough to suit me(not an artist for sure!). I was going for the ears to be kind of straight out from his head...but your right, it looks like ones is foward and one back. Ummmm guess i will be playing some more with it while it rains, and rains, and rains some more.
ya like that do ya preacher?! What better way to old skool it than a mom tat! besides that I cant get one (long story...between me and the wife, i know what some would say about that but hey it has worked well in my favor for 23 years) so id figured i would put one on my logo[ddev
I am not by any imagination an artist but I have drawn up this logo for my bike shop (Hog Farm Customs). please let me know what your thoughts are, and of course any and all critisism is gladly accepted
It`s wierd...I can draw what is in my head, but i couldnt draw a coke can if you pointed it out to me! my wife says that it because i have strange stuff in my head that only i understand. I tell her that the voices took counsil and they disagree they get it, dont know why she dont[S. Wish I could airbrush (I send my work out to a friend in Dallas) those guys make it look so easy