Songs that don't suck

Rat Rods Rule

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One more artist...This little girl is from South Africa. She's been seen mostly as a street performer but she's getting some fame. Love her voice! She has what most would call a command of the mic and her voice. I wish she would do something I really liked as far as music goes, but if she was playing somewhere around here I'd probably stop to listen...
We were listening to him on sirius radio the other night and he sounded kinda like he may have had a stroke. Anybody know? I know he's had 2 bouts of cancer.

I'm glad I brought him up. A great writer of lyrics and a fine performer. I love that song, smallfoot.

One more like we have in common bob w.:D

We were listening to him on sirius radio the other night and he sounded kinda like he may have had a stroke. Anybody know? I know he's had 2 bouts of cancer.

I believe it's the after effects of having had throat cancer smallfoot. My wife has seen him perform live as far back as the early 70's and his complete recordings(As of that time) is one of the last CD's we bought. His songs are always good for a chuckle or thought provoking. Sometime both in the same song. :)
A true national treasure.