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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. choppintops

    Cleaning up the mess

    Well, we dont have many rainy days, but when the monsoons hit, they do some damage. Heavy rainfall and strong winds. Reason Ive been absent the last few days. Been cleaning up the mess. Here is my kitchen ceiling. Tore roof off from the winds, then the rain took its toll :mad:
  2. choppintops

    Why you should love car show trophys

    Cause God does :D I hear all the time "I dont go to shows to win trophys". You should. If this picture doesn't convince you,,,,,, than enjoy hell [ddd
  3. choppintops

    The way it was, pics from the past

    So, my mom is moving, getting older, no longer wants a big house to have to take care of. In order to move to a smaller place she’s getting rid of a lot of stuff, you know how it goes. Well, she sends me these pictures, and tells me I can throw them away once I’m done looking at them (yea...
  4. choppintops

    Garage sale of "non parts"

    In the parts section, I have an "ongoing" garage sale. This will be the same thing, but more of cool memoribilia and stuff for your car that isn't parts. Ok, I just moved from 40 acres and a huge shop in the desert, to a regular city lot in town. Needless to say, I need to thin out the herd...
  5. choppintops

    Desert Rat

    Just looking for sites to talk cars and without the "eliteism" that some sites have. I love old cars of all types and can respect the work we all put into them. Anything from rats (as long as they are built safely), to street rods, to traditionals, to customs. I'm an AZ desert rat and live next...