another reason for face shields when grinding

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2007
you just never know when you might get "bit".


A flack jacket would not hurt either. I had one come apart and hit me in the chest. You want to talk about pain.
Hope you didn't get hurt ......... on another note I was working at a fab shop that did mostly aluminum ...... I tried to tell this young fella not to grind with a metal finish disc ...... he laughed at me & muttered something like "old man doesn't know what he's talking about" - I was only in my late 40's?? - but a few days later .......low & behold who do I see walking to the formans office holding his bloody face?? You guessed it - mr. smartypants.

The moral of the story - right tool - right job & ALWAYS wear a faceshield.

Ratty 46
One time I had a WireWheel run up my leg! I was working on a Small Part and at the time I did not have vise so I was useing my foot to hold it down! :eek:
I got the edge of the part and off it went up my leg! I had to cut my Pants off and took 2 days to cut my pants out of the grinder LOL.
I had not one but two cutting wheels come apart on me in one afternoon a few weeks ago. First one sent a chunk flying at my face so the shield protected me. Second one tried to impale itself in my shoulder.....

A while back I was working w/ one of those wire rope stripping wheels on a 4.5" grinder. The thing slipped off the door, ran across my wrist and got caught up in my shirt until it shredded that before I got it shut down (probably in less than 2 seconds). I was bleeding like a stuck pig on my wrist and where it embedded in my chest. If I had been wearing gloves, my wrist probably would have been ok. If I HAD NOT been wearing a shirt, I would have been in some serious pain......

I am now a believer in proper protection - gloves, face shield, ear protection, respirator, long pants and long sleeve shirts.
I had a 7" flexable disk come apart on me a few years ago. I hit me in the chest so hard it felt like a shotgun blast. Put an end to that work day. I still have the scar. A wee bit higher and it would have turned me into a cyclops!
I had a 7" flexable disk come apart on me a few years ago. I hit me in the chest so hard it felt like a shotgun blast. Put an end to that work day. I still have the scar. A wee bit higher and it would have turned me into a cyclops!

Yeow! It will get your attention !! Who said this wasn't a contact sport !! :)
That broken flap disc is a Weiler brand. They have reduced costs and using plastic hubs. I buy ones with built in 5/8-11 nuts...Camel brand about 8 bucks
they last.
Had a 24" cut off saw explode on me while cutting some DOM 2" x 1/4" tubing - one piece hit me in the chest and knocked the wind out of me [I was wearing my leathers] and another piece imbedded its self in the wall. Small chunks hit the face shield and actually shattered the hard plastic head gear where the shield snaps on and yes it was running a guard - thankfully !
The other scarry one is a 14" cut off blade coming apart on a chop saw at 10,000RPM. A good welders apron is always in my shop now. Thank GOD it missed the plumbing:D.

This is a few years back, I was working on a Hog Farm and the owners son was using a chop saw, we were making some new farrowing crates. (I wasnt there this day was off somewhere else) but the cut off wheel came apart, cut him side to side and then embedded itself in the wall, luckily his uncle was beside him and got him to the hospital. He lost like 5 ft of intestine and was laid up for almost a month. Ever since then safety takes on a new priority in the shop for me.