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Rat Rods Rule

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He talks to the tiki gods!
May 15, 2007
eastern washington
My wife was bitching about the fact that her name was'nt any where in my shop.

I painted this with a cheap 15 dollar air brush from Harbor Freight. it worked pretty good, i just need to figure out how to keep the water out of the line, i put a filter on it but it does not seem to be working so good, maybe its too close to the source to work right.



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I have a small (on demand air) air brush compressor, i purchased a filter for it and put it on, but I am still getting moisture in the line, I think that it may be too close to the source which is not giviing the moisture in the air time to condense, i think i am going to add about three feet of hose and put it in line and see if that works.

the cheap harbor frieght air brush actually works pretty good, I took it apart and it appears to be a copy of an Iwata air brush.

Cheep air dryer

Take some 3 inch PVC pipe about 3 feet long cap it on one end
Then thred that end to fit a airhose fitting in it
Fill the PVC pipe with Kotex
Cap the other end and add a airhose fitting to it
I have used my dryer for about 8 years works better than the shops dryer
Great Idea, but now i have to find some one to buy the Kotex for me LOL


Take some 3 inch PVC pipe about 3 feet long cap it on one end
Then thred that end to fit a airhose fitting in it
Fill the PVC pipe with Kotex
Cap the other end and add a airhose fitting to it
I have used my dryer for about 8 years works better than the shops dryer
home made air drier

OK i made a smaller version of Hillbilly's idea, its a piece of 1 inch PVC stuffed with kotex with a union in the middle. i put about 8 feet of hose before the filter to allow the warm air from the compressor to cool and condense, then the filter then another 8 feet of hose, we will se tonight if it wokrs. i painted my desk last week with a skull, so i have added some other things so i can use the air brush non stop to see if the drier works.

Ill let you know, and post more pics.



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Cheap cooler

Hey Pablo
To cool the air on a compressor I once had, I put an old transmission cooler in the line before the dryer. Gives you a lot more cooling in a small!!

it works

Well i just spent about 4 hours running my air brush and not a drop of water. Hillbilly is right it works.

here are the photos.



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pretty snazzy there.......ok tell us the truth did u take one of the wifes or did u have to explain to her why.........u needed great job on the desk...[cl
No I have had my wife modified so that we dont need them that investment has really paid off LOL
I am wondering what the lady at Rite Aid is going to say when i come in and buy enough to make a big one like hillbilly has mentioned, i imagine that it will take all that they have on the shelf.

Thanks for the advise hillbilly.


pretty snazzy there.......ok tell us the truth did u take one of the wifes or did u have to explain to her why.........u needed great job on the desk...[cl
OK Go to your flux capacitor and give a good rap on the side with a monkee wrench, then make sure that your assitant is in place to connect the cable to the clock tower so you can harness the 1.5 jigawatts nessisary to make sure the flux capacitor ingages the delorian drive unit, then accelerate to 88 MPH and boom that should fix it.

glad i could help

PS i have attached a picture i recently finished to help with your problem


The installation can not be completed:
- You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain.
Click on the browsers Back button to fix reported errors.

I keep getting this error when trying to do a fresh installation on an addon domain of mine. Im trying to install Joomla through Fantastico in cpanel. I had Joomla installed previously, but deleted everything and wanted to start fresh. I also deleted the MYSQL database that was created for Joomla with my first installation and it still gives me that error message when I try to install Joomla again..

Sorry, Im a first time user of Joomla and trying to figure everything out.

Any help? Thanks in advanced
Website I designed for express payday loan company.


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