How's your weather????

Rat Rods Rule

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Going to be 99 today, normal temp is in 70s. Haven't had any rain for 36 days.
It is extremely dry, kind of like a popcorn fart!
Still in the mid 90's but supposed to get in the 60's at night & 80's during the days next week! Will definitely be a welcome relief! :eek::D

So now I'm having to wait until it warms up this morning to go out to the shop! [ddd:D

Frost on the pumpkin here this morning! And heavy rains coming tonight and tomorrow - figures, I'm helping out a buddy with our local swap meet in the morning, and it's always ****ty weather for this one!
Winter's creeping in... frost every night, daytime highs in the single digits. (High 30's F)

I'm not whining... warm and cozy heeeted shop day tomorrow...

Warm in the days, cold at night! We had our first lil fire on the back deck last night! Mrs Tripper made dinner & my sister-in-law & nephew came over & after dinner we made smores! Great night!!! :D

We just got about 6" of rain the last couple of days.:eek: We needed it, it had gotten dry. Temps are slowly starting to get more fall like, 40's at night, 70's in the day. Had a light frost last Thursday before all the rain, supposed to get a good freeze here Wed night. That reminds me, gotta stick a gallon of antifreeze in the Linc. Even though I have to pull it back out, it will probably be spring before I do, so it doesn't need to freeze up this winter.
Just got to South Korea for a couple weeks, upper 30's in mornings, upper 60F during the day. Quite a difference from Florida :eek: I'm freezing!
We're entering the cold, grey months, with a rare peek at the sun. Mid 30's for a high today mid 20's tonight.

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