i got a early halloween scare

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Well-known member
May 22, 2007
yesterday i was working on the roadster, i noticed a local law car go by real slow and then shortly after come back by real slow and looking back up at the house. well i didn't think much about it and went in side to get something to drank, a short time later i hear a knock on the door. there was three officers asking who lives here, and over the radio i hear the info on my wifes car. i ask what i could do for them and the officer says we smell a meth lab. man i didn't know what to think (hell my blood ran cold), but i said no way not here. well after they walk around the yard and do all the stuff they do. one officer stayed with me while the other two where doing their round, my wife and grandaugther walk up, of course they want to know what is going on, and were told. the officer ask them if they could smell what they where smelling, my wife said no, and my grandaugther says yes, she goes it smells like when my poppie is cleaning car parts. i said if that is what your smelling? it's right here on the tail gate of my truck and there set a can of thrust starting fluid that i had used about a half can on cleaning some grease with and a rag that was soaked. this stuff is about 40 yards from the road and they smelled it. they told me to have a good day and sorry, and it was over for them but i was still shaken for awhile. i guess i need something else to cut grease from now on. yall have a safe halloween.
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That is VERY odd ! I think they were feeding you some BS, no way could they smell starting fluid that far away unless they are blood hounds. I would also think they would need a warrant or something to even come on your property, cops can't just walk up and start grilling you IMO.

Let's see what some of our current and retired Officers on here have to say. If it were me I would be calling the Chief and complaining, just to get it on the record in case they still want to come back for another visit.

Even though you were doing nothing wrong I would have politely let them know they are NOT welcome on my property without a warrant. Actually EXACTLY because you were doing nothing wrong. Don was right, they could not have smelled that starting fluid that far away, and even if they did that doesn't smell like a meth lab. The fact that they were looking around without you with them is even more BS. Who says they couldn't plant something and say it was there when they arrived? This sounds like a shakedown and nothing more. Just another example out out of control government and law enforcement.

I also would have gotten all of the officer's names & badge numbers and filed a formal complaint. If nothing was done about it, go to the next higher level and so on until something is done. If we don't stand up for our freedoms and protect them, they will disappear...
I'm with Blue Eyed on this one. I realize our police have a tough, important job to do and I am honored to call some of them personal friends. BUT, some of them really take their jobs way too seriously and don't necessarily abide by the laws they are sworn to protect.

They had NO business on your property and really had NO business walking around without you there. Please contact the Chief and if you get no help go to the Mayor.

Years ago my Son Dan played for 9 months straight at a club and had to drive through Sanibel Florida where a cop would get on his tail every night and ride so close to him at 2 am that Dan couldn't see his headlights. This happened every night. I called the Chief and he was less than helpful, saying they have to check out cars for DUI's at that time of night, so I called the Mayor. He called me and apologized and so did the Chief. It ended that night.

Sometimes you have to question authority. Stuff like this really makes me mad.

as you can tell from my sig pic i am master mason and knight templar, and the county sherff (they where county officers) and i are masonic brothers, so i belive i just might have to talk to him. i never really thought about it that way, being there are so many meth labs around this part of the state, and i have never really had any trouble with the law before.
I don't ever let officer inspect anything without a warrant.

A lot of the K9 units are now trained to pick up on a lot of the "meth house" chemicals. It may certainly have taken a bloodhound to alert them.
I have no idea what they use in a meth lab, but I've created some pretty big chemical clouds with cleaning solvents. 100 feet from the house I've had the wife swearing at me. :D

I've also met a dumb cop or two. I got arrested for a pouch of tobacco once. Cigarette tobacco and cigarette papers! I guess the cop never saw anybody ''roll their own" before, he was convinced it was marijuana. [S

Hope your Sheriff can clear it up. Maybe train those boys to know the difference between a rodder and a crackhead. :D
I'm somewhat surprised by some of your remarks here. If Sgt Pontiac is reading, he is probably surprised as well and maybe...Hell, I don't know. The simple fact is that none of us here know enough to really comment much. I probably know a little more about meth labs than some of you so I'll tell you a little bit of what I know: Starter fluid is used to manufacture meth. If you buy a large amount of starter fluid, the store who sold it to you will call the cops. If your neighbors smell starter fluid they will call the cops. The cops will NOT rat off your neighbor and tell you that THEY called. If the cops really thought that you were cooking meth they WOULD HAVE had a warrant. Jasper, Alabama seems like a quiet little podunk Mayberry place, but it's not. There are probably more meth labs in your area than you can even imagine. Anyway, there's no telling what they were thinking, but I can't imagine that they have a quota to fill or would "plant" something on an innocent person just to have something to do...probably your neighbor called in and they had to check it out...or maybe they're just dicks, who knows.
To me I'd take just the oposite side of this issue!! I would be glad to know the officers where doing there job!! If it inconvenienced me a little so be it!!
The police have a hard enough time trying to keep up with the crackheads, as it is!! It does seem a little odd about them saying they smelled it though. Maybe a neighbor called and they were just covering for them?
I stand by my statement that they probably had a K9 unit in the vicinity and the dog gave them "the sign". While I completely respect the job they do and am thankful for men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect my personal safety, I also stand by the fact that the Police and I are normally on opposite sides of the fence looking at each other.

I have a CCW and am a law abiding citizen. I have been hassled MANY times about exercising my constitutional rights by the very people whom are supposed to be protecting them. No warrant? No search.

Edit: It doesn't really matter, but this is coming from someone whom is a heavily decorated combat veteran and not too terribly long ago discharged due to injuries sustained in combat. just to give some insight as to where my position comes from.
That's part of living in this great country of ours, we have the ability, and right to dissagree!![cl

BTW, thank you for you're service!!

As long as there are brave men and women who are willing to die for this very statement, we will ALWAYS be the greatest country.

You're welcome! [cl
Why be surprised at some of the statements? Cops are no different than Doctors, Lawyers, Preachers, etc............there are good ones and bad ones. I can see NO reason for a cop to walk up to someone on their property and say "I think you are running a meth lab here !" A good lawyer would have a field day if they tried to arrest the person on such flimsy evidence . Even Alabama has laws protecting citizens as I recall.

We have some DEA guys and ex DEA guys on here, I would love to hear if they think these guys did it the right way or if they were Barney Fife-ing it. I can guarantee you if they walked up on my property and said those words they would be asked to leave and a complaint would be filed...........and I have nothing to hide.

I used to hang out at a local watering hole that was strictly for police and their friends. When the liquor started flowing some of the stories that would come out about how they "manufactured" evidence and covered up stuff would come out. I'm sure these were hard working Officers who wanted to keep the peace, but there is a right way and wrong way to do it.

one of the cars was a k-9 unit and that could be how it was done, and the dog was never taken out of the car, wild part about that is my dog got out of the house and she is in heat. i did tell the wife i was glad they where doing their jobs, but unsure if i should try to do anything or just let it go, as long as they don't bother me anymore. yes walker county alabama is a place with alot of meth labs, i hear about the law finding them all the time. after looking into the stuff and starting fluid being a big part of it, i just don't see how these people could be that stupid, or even better the fool how figured out how to make something like this stuff.
A guy cookin' meth blew himself up here a few years back, & I took some pictures for a local newspaper. That night an FBI agent called my home & asked me why I was taking pictures there. Sorta spooked me!!!

Note to self: Don't clean car parts with starter fluid if the cops are around!!! [ddd:eek:[ddd

A guy cookin' meth blew himself up here a few years back, & I took some pictures for a local newspaper. That night an FBI agent called my home & asked me why I was taking pictures there. Sorta spooked me!!!

Note to self: Don't clean car parts with starter fluid if the cops are around!!! [ddd:eek:[ddd


Can you post some of those pics? ;)

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