
Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
Sacramento CA
Hey guys help me out......[S I gotta get out of Calif:mad: I'm thinking of Boise Idaho, it has a good VA hospital and the climate seems OK....kinda like Bellingham WA where I lived for 10 years....and liked.
For you guys who know the laws Would I have Any trouble getting my Hot Rods registered? Each has a 1947 Calif Title. any problem with being fender less? I have searched out most info on the net about Idaho, I know I can throw away my helmet to ride my Harley. Any info would be helpful. Thanks Doug.
It's to cold up there !!!! Look at Silver City New Mexico you will have the VA in Tucson Az close by, small town, friendly, laid back there's no helmet laws and in NM and we don't care about fenders !!! JMTCW :confused: Good luck
the hot rod state!

Idaho is one of the most rodder friendly states. no vehicle inspections(your's will have to be inspected once, since it is an out of state vehicle) no emissions testing for vehicles 1980 or older. we built a 47 chevy p.u. had no title or vin plate, and titling it was a snap. it was fenderless, and cops never bothered us. the thing I like about the treasure valley(boise and surrounding area)is the four changing seasons. summers are 95-100deg, and winter average is in the 30's.
Hey guys help me out......[S I gotta get out of Calif:mad: I'm thinking of Boise Idaho, it has a good VA hospital and the climate seems OK....kinda like Bellingham WA where I lived for 10 years....and liked.
For you guys who know the laws Would I have Any trouble getting my Hot Rods registered? Each has a 1947 Calif Title. any problem with being fender less? I have searched out most info on the net about Idaho, I know I can throw away my helmet to ride my Harley. Any info would be helpful. Thanks Doug.

There are worse places to live, I lived there for a number of years, then moved back to N Cal.

I liked the spring and summer, but winter was to cold for me, but I compounded that by moving up to Sun Valley for work.

So I landed back in N Ca where winters are warmer and no snow....
I wouldn't hesitate to live in Boise. I know Northern Idaho is rod friendly, don't know about the southern part. Washington is also a rod friendly at least on the East side. Too much rain in Bellingham = fewer days to drive a fender free rod.
I have a Hobo friend jack Young goes by the handle Yak Jack (Yak for Yakima)
He says he stayed around Troy Id for a long time prospecting placer gold, picking huckleberries and wild mushrooms to sell.
He's living in the dakotas at the moment
I met the guy in a truck stop. I saw him with a cup of coffee at the counter and asked him if he wanted something to eat and he cursed me and said "I'm a Hobo not a bum" then he apologized and said thanks for asking anyways.
He took to what he calls the campfire lifestyle after he got back from Vietnam.
He Used to work the fishing boats too.
A couple nights later I saw him walking up the shoulder with his bucket and his crutch for his gimpy leg.
It was like 20 below out so I gave him a ride far as we was both going the same way and bought him up a motel room for a couple days and told him where the homeless shelter was and a nearby used clothing sorter/recycler where he might be able to hustle up some good winter cloths for free.
So we got to be friends he calls me sometimes and sometimes I look him up.
he ended up learning he had a stipend from the VA from his service time as an officer of some minor rank.
I asked him once if he had any kids and he said naw... I talked to the girls and liked em and all but I never had a place of my own. what are you going to do take a lady up under the bridge with you?
I'm still single myself because as I put it "My sense of adventure has not been very compatible with most woman’s sense of security".
Jack liked that.
He say's he has a couple years left in him.
he wants to get out of ND and go work his old claim a little while he's still ticking.
Tough old man I tell ya.

He had a house near devil's lake ND he bought for back taxes. he picked it up for $1100.
He say's its bad around there.
I said I thought ND was booming
He said that's the other end of the state and that boom ain't gonna hold out forever.
he said the Swedes and Norwegian folks around Devils lake area are real standoffish and gossipy if they don't know you and will call the cops on anyone they see who they don;t know.
He says it's because there are tons of folks around the area out of work on drugs and the bottle and living off of greasy schemes and back stabbing.
basically really poor or independently wealthy
Jacks old stonking grounds in Idaho are around Troy, up to Bonner’s ferry, over to the WA state line and in the hills above Boulder City and Moyie Springs.
I'd like to see the place.
Not as a Hobo though I like living indoors :D
Burying your steaks and chicken in the sand next to a creek don't seem like my ideer for a proper refrigerator.
He told me he once lived up in the hills prospecting for 17 months straight without coming in.
Not alot of guys like that around anymore

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