Jesse James

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2012
North side of Deer Mountain
Did anyone catch Jesse James show "Outlaw Garage" on Discovery Monday night? What did you think? I'd rather stay impartial, but my wife thought it was like watching a male version of the Kardashians. lol
I personaly like the dude and what he does and what he stands for. He is an amazing builder, and he never has givin up even when every thing went south for him.[ddd

Blue Eyed Devil ''Gentlemen, shall I fetch "the horse"???

if you put same old BS in a new bag, it still stinks the same:eek:

amazingly talented man, wash out as a human being. should just stick to building cool stuff and stay off TV.

Later [ddd
We were at the shop Monday night and missed the show but I understand it is being rerun this coming Sunday night, so we might catch it then.

To be honest, I was happy when Jesse went away after his Sandra and Katt fiascos. Yes, he knows how to work with metal but I think he is a sorry human being. Not just because he disrespects the women in his life, but more for his attitude toward other human beings in general. There is something basically missing from a person who constantly has to be telling you how great they are and how not so great other people are.

I see a glimmer of good in him when he is dealing with his kids and animals, but he constantly wears that snear that says "I'm better than you and I look down on you." He thinks it is cool to be rude and abrasive, something I also find offensive. He is not someone I would want to sit down and have a beer with.

We will watch the show for the car content, but it would be much more enjoyable to me if the show focused more on the rest of the Austin Speed Shop crew than JJ. I can only take him for so long.

I watched it, and liked it. It was a new, mellower Jesse James. There was some drama in that Jesse was "testing" the Austin Speed Shop crew by setting a time deadline. Not as many bleeped out swear words. Nice scene with his son. No parts thrown across the floor.
My friend Titus knows most of the Austin Speed Shop crew personally and so far no complaints about working with Jesse.
For the rest of crap on t.v. I will watch anything that has a motor involved in it.
But he is a real ass who is full of himself and should show his work not tell us how good he is doing it.
I think it sucks that he moved to TX and now Austin will be associated with this arse-clown.

He needs to be in LA with all the other crazy celebrities who make fools of themselves on TV for a living.
We were at the shop Monday night and missed the show but I understand it is being rerun this coming Sunday night, so we might catch it then.

To be honest, I was happy when Jesse went away after his Sandra and Katt fiascos. Yes, he knows how to work with metal but I think he is a sorry human being. Not just because he disrespects the women in his life, but more for his attitude toward other human beings in general. There is something basically missing from a person who constantly has to be telling you how great they are and how not so great other people are.

I see a glimmer of good in him when he is dealing with his kids and animals, but he constantly wears that snear that says "I'm better than you and I look down on you." He thinks it is cool to be rude and abrasive, something I also find offensive. He is not someone I would want to sit down and have a beer with.

We will watch the show for the car content, but it would be much more enjoyable to me if the show focused more on the rest of the Austin Speed Shop crew than JJ. I can only take him for so long.


Pretty much how I feel Don, but I did watch it, and will watch again, (as I've
said before I'll watch anything about cars and bikes)!! The content was pretty good, but the guy sure hasn't changed much! It kind of amazes me how he keeps anyone working with him?

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