Porting an Engine

Rat Rods Rule

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Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Dec 21, 2007
Edgewood, New Mexico off Route 66
Saw this on another forum. It's hilarious and sad! Hope these guys haven't reproduced!

Hey guys, I've got a 98 Audi 1.8T. I've had a k04 and chip for a while and wanted to get more performance. I was recommended to port and polish the intake and exhaust.

We found out they used abrasive material to do it like gritty sand. So I got with my friend that tunes Hondas and we decided to try it ourselves. We got a bag of sandblasting sand and hooked up into the intake and started the car. We had to hold the gas so it would run. He wanted to let the engine suck in the sand through the intake so it would port it out and then push it out the ehxaust so it would port the exhaust manifold.

I was worried that it might cause problems but he figured it'd be OK as long as we didn't make boost and it get sucked in the turbo. After running the car and letting it suck in sand we got about half way through a 25 lb bag. The check engine light was on and the engine was bucking and kicking and sounding really weird.

We stopped and hooked the car back up normal and took off the sand supply. We tried to start it again and it was really hard. Once started it couldn't idle and kept making weird noises. We took it out and drove it and it started to make scraping and knocking noises.

Help! Can anyone tell me what to do! My buddy only does Hondas so he doesn't know much about Audis.
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I think they used wet sand. Everyone knows you're supposed to dry the sand out first! How can people be so stupid?

[cl[cl [P :D

should I say more???

Now thats funny I dont care who you are. :D

Have to agree with the Rev on this, this day and time, nothing surprises me anymore.

I know what went wrong, they ported the intake and exhaust out so much now the turbo is too small, they should have ran it through the turbo so it would be matched ported with that fresh new intake and exhaust, I bet they can get some .030 over pistons in it now too.
This is too funny........ but on a serious side, most kids today have no common sense, I think it has to due with the video games, too much pampering, and dont get me started on ADHD, I had that once but my dad knocked it out of me. LOL
Do you thik this would work on an Olds 350. It sounds like alot cheaper than what I was going to do. Just kidding.

I bet it would. ... with the same outcome! :D

I would bet this hasn't actually been done, but I bet that some one has thought it was a good idea before a buddy said no.
Way back in the day a buddy of mine was cruisin and abusin his moms POS Chrysler. It developed some issues and a bad carb backfire. One particular backfire lit a small underhood fire which my bud quickly put out. With sand. He walked to my place for help and a ride home. Yes, beer was a large factor....

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