Sarge is missing again!

Rat Rods Rule

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Crusty Rusty Old Rat Rodder!
Jan 27, 2010
harrodsburg ky
If he keeps this up we will have to send him to his squad car with no supper! It's been 11 days this time and I for one am not happy:mad:
I cannot answer this question because it might compromise our agents in the field
(you know...the ones that dress up like girls and bust evil-doo-ers)
Oops I said too much already
I bet he's been busy shoveling snow. I don't know how you northern folks can survive up there. I have to wear my long johns when it gets below about 40. :)
I cannot answer this question because it might compromise our agents in the field
(you know...the ones that dress up like girls and bust evil-doo-ers)
Oops I said too much already

Seems like he just comes and goes......
May be a Southeastern Michigan thing as DirtyRat has been awol as well....

ya dont suppose HE goes .....umm undercover too?:eek:
Seems like he just comes and goes......
May be a Southeastern Michigan thing as DirtyRat has been awol as well....

DirtyRat has some other things going on. Not sure I have the liberty to pass along the news. I talk to him off the board, he is OK, just a lot going on.
Oh for crying out loud.. dont get your panties in a wad!!

I aint going anywhere.....I can't stop crap from getting in the way of my build / barn time.....working a ton of some new people....we are getting new units ready for the road....and of course that's my area....then we are renovating the department....moving into the side of the building that used to be leased to the Michigan state police....Now that is our side....they are completely going thru fit our offices will be moving into our side....after they renovate that side for them......makes sense and costs far less than redoing city hall again...fiscally
Problem is this only having two head and the Chief puts a ton of strain on both of our schedules / time......all on top of my normal duties...
Then there is the family stuff....with the oldest kid driving the road all week, if anything goes belly up at their place guess who gets called...I could go on and on but you get the drift...Ain't enough of me to go around sometimes....:eek:
Gee Sarge, is that the best excuse you can come up with?

just kiddin, glad to hear from you can get a little boring
when you're not around( sorry guy's but you all know what I mean)
being the MAN comes with great sacrifice......ha

again glad all is good
Thanks brother.....

Wish it was all for noble causes.....but trying to make life better for the guys and gals working and the guys and gals that will be here when I'm retired....
Wish it was all for noble causes.....but trying to make life better for the guys and gals working and the guys and gals that will be here when I'm retired....

Glad all is normal--- all screwed up.
Retirement, now we're talking. I don't know how I had time to go to work.
I love it and you will too. What are you waiting on? You need to realize that
your peeps will go on without you.
What He Said

Glad all is normal--- all screwed up.
Retirement, now we're talking. I don't know how I had time to go to work.
I love it and you will too. What are you waiting on? You need to realize that
your peeps will go on without you.

I've been out 15 yrs and sure as all get out the fires keep going out [cl
But if your having fun it's hard to stop [S
Well, there he is...I thought we might get a report in a while that you hired out for crowd control for Bike week in daytona or sumpin...

Glad all is normal--- all screwed up.
Retirement, now we're talking. I don't know how I had time to go to work.
I love it and you will too. What are you waiting on? You need to realize that
your peeps will go on without you.

No doubt it will continue without me....Law Enforcement is a second career for me.....I was in the automotive field for over 25 years full time....I was a cop part time and never anticipated going full time as the money in automotive was much bored with the automotive stuff and took full time LE....I'm just short of 25 years full time and our illustrious city mothers and fathers won't allow us to use military service time or my part time years for I need 25 full time years....but I'm close....just under 2 years...and when it hits I'll be gone like a big arsed bird....LOL...Love the job but beginning to hate the people moving into our metropolis....but I'm sure you understand perfectly.....
Those big busted gals don't want old geezers like me...

Well, there he is...I thought we might get a report in a while that you hired out for crowd control for Bike week in daytona or sumpin...

getting too much snow on the mountain...but still got a fire lit in the
besides....I'm not a biker kind of guy...but who knows...maybe I'll grow my hair, lay down a tat or two and buy a nice Harley.....when I grow up..LOL...

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