I stuck to my guns and started the roof with all the left over pieces of 18 gauge steel sheet.. I worked 4 hours and was able to get 90% of the roof done cut clamped and welded on. I have the small side pieces left and I will extract them from the pieces left. I then may go to the doors , I found I have enough steel tubing to redo each door full length with welded tubing. Plus I will have another 4x4 foot sheet of 18 gauge to cover the doors on both sides. So I think that will be the order when I get the roof finished. So my left over stuff is starting to pay off here and get a lot of other things done.. After the doors I can mess with the flors and steering placement. I plan on taking out the dash from the Mekur in one piece, wiring and all and then cutting off the far right side of the dash so it will fit my cars space. I will use all the wiring from the Mekur all in one piece as I take it out. After I wire and hook up the parts I want and need I will eliminate the extra stuff from the wiring. So I have a lot of planing here. I will be using the stock Mekur steering so Ill leave that in place also. There will be a lot of modifying things as I go. This is nice having all the wiring, brakes, engine wiring full dash steering and maybe even the seats If I can do it. Seat belts etc. Once I fit the engine and get all the parts installed I can go to the front fenders, cowl, fire wall, hood etc. I should be able to move the car with the engine in it. That's how I done my 1948 Ford Coupé I drove it in and out of the garage while I finished it. Things are shaping up here. I have some photos