the lurkers are taking over

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Skull Master
May 11, 2007
Fruita, Colorado
I was just looking, and there was 13 lurkers, and 12 members. I have noticed this before. Just who are these lurkers, and why do they remain silent? Also do they follow these threads, and do they know the characters in this book we write daily? If they out number us, that makes us a minority, and after all there is strength in numbers. Maybe they have the right idea. Maybe we should all just sit back and read the posts, and not write anything. :D
Welcome all Lurkers

we here at the RRR arnt a bad group of guys and galls or so we dont think so come and join in on the fellowship and great discusion your input is welcome and encouraged soo pleaze feel free to join in at any time
I wish you would speak up more often Tripper! :) My take on what Bonehead said is this. All the Lurkers might very well be members of the other groups who are really curious as to why we all get along so well and why we have so many full time contributing members. They obviously have found something really interesting and informative here or they wouldn't be here looking around. My thanks to all the lurkers!! Your presence here tells me that we must be doing something right. Something else I've noticed is how many admitted lurkers have joined recently. Welcome! we're glad your here!

:eek::eek: so we're being watched?? who are these watchers, lol. maybe they just are looking fo good information. it would be good to hear from them though.
I am guilty of being a lurker. I check out various other sites and They mostly seem to play attack the new guys. I am new to this forum and do try to add my input when I can. I must say that you guys are the nicest car group I have seen yet. I will try and jump in a little more. Oh and lurking is a way of learning a little about what you guys are about for me. Thanks for the great and friendly site.
I'm somewhat guilty of being a lurker mostly because I'm not building a rat at the moment anyway, but would like to at some point. I've got to finish my panel first. I did have hopes at getting a 32 chevy coupe but found it met its match with a dozer so I'll have to wait to see what else comes available. All my stuff is sitting over at the FTE site under the same handle.
That's probably a lot of people, very intrigued but not involved. We should be glad they are seen and not heard on some level. It's better than having the site taken over by kids who think mom's Camry with red wheels is a ratrod.
i being a very social person because of what i do! I have noticed, that alot of people are looking for their place in like a place where they click, some people have the ability to click in all social areas! some cant find what they are looking for,,, you have those that hang with jerks or horses rearends ! some hang with the nerds or the jocks, and then of coarse the hotrod gods,, ew!
but i believe that what everyone one is to know others like them!
however sadly not always gong To be true, cause you aint a jerk or maybe you are,and so on,, so i say be true to yourself and respect others!
i have always been a outsider, but by choice,
i am just a gearhead minded gasoline drinkin tire smoking low riding nostalgic old goat who likes to be stared at!!!!! YOU LOOKING AT ME?WATCH THIS !!!!!:D
Sometimes I think I should lurk more and post less, but then I get bored. I've also noticed that the number of lurkers typically outnumbers the amount of members.

HI LURKERS, welcome to RRR! Glad you're here, enjoy the show!!

Im a Lurker also, just get'n ideas ect. for me and my boys build. He's supose to start posting pictures on our build (46 Chevy Truck) 2x4 frame z'd 7'' front and 17" in rear, just been a little tight on funds lately....! Hopefully be driveable before midnight mass in July!

I lurked for awhile, then decided it was easier to search if you were a member.

Then.....i saw sumpin shiney.....and had to post on it! :D

No project right now, other than my new shop, cause workin outside in the yard....sux!

i must be one of the lurkers you refer to this is my first post im new to the rat rod world and read daily to learn how to improve my ride and just to see all the knowledge you guys have this is my favorite site everyone is pleasant and in it for the cars and brotherhood.

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