The Official 2016 RRR Calendar Info Thread

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
OK, it looks as though there is enough interest for me to do this, so here is the official info thread. What we are doing is a 2016 calendar with RRR members cars pictured on it. It is open to any RRR member that wants to contribute a pic of their ride, any ride is eligible from a rusty rat's nest to a shiny painted and chromed out ride. This includes nice street rod style vehicles as well as home built stuff. Depending on how many send pics, there will be some single vehicles on a single month with the possibility of some months containing more than one vehicle. It just depends on the quality of the pics and which works out best.


One pic only per member please.

Pics need to be as big as possible, and as high a quality as your camera will provide. I can resize them down if needed, but enlarging small pics doesn't always work without them becoming distorted. They need to be clear and in good lighting. Night shots are fine, but need to be in a well lit area.
All pics must be yours, NO PROFESSIONAL PICS!!!! I don't want any copyright issues.

Watch your backgrounds. You don't want trees or poles "growing" out of the top of your ride. Same thing with people, I don't want any problems with people in pics, so it's better to not have any in them. Pets are fine. The vehicles are the stars! You want a clean background, with the possible exception of a pic taken with a auto wrecking yard behind you. Old gas stations, iron bridges, old buildings all make good backgrounds. Be creative!

If you have more than one ride, feel free to put all of them into one pic.

Vehicle info:

I want what you started with or how you registered it, I.E., 39 Chevy pu, 48 F5, 29 Hudson, Henway, whatever you want to call it.
Engine brand and size if you want.
Some people don't want to use their real name, so that's OK if you only want your RRR screen name used. Just so we know who's vehicle it is.
City and State. No need for any more than that. Just want to give credit where credit is due.

I'm going to put a cut off date of OCT 23, 2015 for pic submission. If I need more after that, I will extend it as needed. The reason for the deadline is I need time to sort through the pics and decide how best to use them. If I get 25 or more pics before OCT 23, I may have to end it sooner. I have to have time to put it all together, I would like to have it done before Thanksgiving so those that want to order for Christmas will have plenty of time.

OK, here is my email address. Take out the [@] and just put in @, that is to keep me from getting a lot of robot generated spam.


So, get out there and get those cameras flashing!

I will update this thread as I get pics and with anything else I can think of. Any questions, just ask.
i sent 4 pics to you.
vroom skree! etc ;)
i just read yer post about only one pic
i didnt know which one to send
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Brian minter, yakima wa.
1950 chevy 3100, 68 corvette 325 hp 327. 700r4. Junk yard air ride, mustang II front end.

Billy, the only reason I said 1 pic was the time involved and space for me to store them in a easy manner without getting them mixed up. Not a problem if people send more than one, I would just prefer it to be the one they like the best.

JFG, that pic will work fine.
Got a couple of more so far today, keep'em coming! The quality so far has been great, going to be hard to decide which to use where!
Got some more in! Thanks guys! Already have more than 12, so there will be some pages with two or more rides on them, I don't want to leave anybody out.
I have made a few small visual changes lately and wanted to take new pix, hopefully today. So I have been behind sending anything because the weather has been pretty dreary here.
No rush smallfoot. Wait until you get it like you want it and a nice day for a pic. Still a couple of weeks until the cutoff date. Right now I have 14 to figure out how to use, there a couple of them so absolutely beautiful that they deserve a full page, they are like fine art! I may have to make two different calendars if the pics keep coming in like these!

Don't know if there will be room but I'm going to send u a submission once I narrow down which one I like best... Took some nice shots on sat..
Bamma - If you need the room you can bump mine. There are way cooler rides on here than mine. You won't hurt my feelings at all. [P
No bumping allowed jfg! Some may have to share space on a page with other cars, but i intend to get everybody that submits a pic a spot.
A little update: I have gotten at least 6 pages done, just need to go back and proofread and convert the files. The pics sent have been amazing! Great shots! Still time for more pics to come in! Tripper? DonsRods? OldIron? Bonehead? Just a few names I can think of that I don't think have sent a pic yet. Don't worry about me getting too many, there's no such thing! Rust to painted, mocked up to freeway ready, all shots welcomed!

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