Today's BS topic!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
so what is the BS topic for today?
The weather......the immigrants......the screwed up government........wages....price of fuel and who is gouging?


In today's Houston Chronicle this was one of the main headlines...

Analysts: Gas could hit $4 if storm enters Gulf

Now that *IS* BS!


Gas is probably going to go up to four bucks a gallon any way. They are just looking for something to blame it on. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Exactly, they're just givin' us a heads up. Now *where* did i put that dang 4 banger? Better find that bicycle site again too!!! ; - >

Wonder if anyone has ever done an aftermarket build on an old Geo Metro 3 cylender motor ? Those things used to get almost 40 miles a gallon...

NEW idea:::3 banger ratrod commuter car.......I just said Ratrod and commuter car in the same sentence...:eek:

What about those old Yogo cars ??????:D
Maybe I need some sleep. Could I be loosing my mind...:confused:
Wonder if anyone has ever done an aftermarket build on an old Geo Metro 3 cylender motor ? Those things used to get almost 40 miles a gallon...

NEW idea:::3 banger ratrod commuter car.......I just said Ratrod and commuter car in the same sentence...:eek:

What about those old Yogo cars ??????:D
Maybe I need some sleep. Could I be loosing my mind...:confused:

Funny would ask.Yes there is alot of speed parts for the 1.0L geo engine.
I have one that needs a rebuild(use more oil than gas)so i got on good'ol ebay a found some cool stuff.there is also a guy in canada that builds hi-po heads and custom grinds cams and has bolt on turbo kits.
So my little geo just might some speed parts.

bad rings and im still geting 35+mpg:D


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I think I'm gonna be changing the rear gear ratios in all my hot rods pretty soon. Those highway gears are starting to look pretty good now.
This very same thing happened after the gas shortages of the '70's. People were convinced we would never have enough gas again, so they started jerking out big V8's and putting little engines like Chevy and Ford 4 cylinders in their rods. All the magazines of the day had articles on how to install some little 4 and dress it up to make it look and run better, You couldn't give away a Hemi or big block anything.

Then they realized they could drive their hot rods, but that they really were not very much fun. Let's face it, we love horsepower, and a rod with a wimpy little 4 is just not the fun that a big ole V8 is.

So, pretty soon V8's started going back into the places where Vega and Pinto engines had resided, and we got back to driving rods with some guts again. The other thing is that a properly tuned V8 will get almost the same milage as a little 4 because it can loaf along going down the road. My big old Crown Vic has one of those dashboard computers that tells you how much gas milage you are getting at any one time, and at 55 MPH I usually get 25-27 MPG, and it weighs like 4600 pounds !!

I think we will start seeing more fuel injection and highway gears on rods, but the bottom line is, even if gas goes to $ 6.00 a gallon, we are going to buy it. They have us right where they want us, and they know it. We love our gasoline.

Still building category! ; - >

This very same thing happened after the gas shortages of the '70's.

Johnny Carson was still the host of the tonight show... gas was 35 cents @ the time but there were lines etc. Anyway... the shortage was just starting & one nite Johnny joked... "There's no more 35 cent gas... but there's ALL the $1.00 gas u'll ever need. It seemed like a funny joke @ the time... but that was the real truth of it! Maybe we should start a still building category!!! ; - >

I think this gas thing will eventually settle down. I believe they are going to get us trained to think 2.00 to 2.50 is great.

I saw one of the CEO's on the Today show a couple of weeks ago. He was saying... Quote: "There is no shortage of oil. It's a lack of refineries being built, and spring time maintenance having parts of the exsiting ones shut down. We go through this every year during our maintenance season". : End Quote.

Yeah right!!!!!!

I know this will never happen. But I think if you could get EVERYONE in the country to shut everything down for a while, something would be done.

But these emails going around saying, "dont buy gas today", isn't going to phase them. (Even if everybody did it).

We have the power, we just have to be willing to sacrifice for a while.

To many people out there won't give up their cigs and beer for a few days though.
It's all about ME, ME, ME and screw tommorrow.

Who says that.....I say that.....Robert D.......
You are right. When I heard about that plan for everybody to boycott buying gas for one day, I thought " what the heck is one day going to do?" The oil companies knew that the very next day we would have to be right back filling up our tanks.

Like many of you, I was around during the gas "shortages" of the '70's, and getting gas became the number one priority of the day. We would be sitting at work, and someone would rush in and tell us they were pumping gas as some station, and we would all rush out to see if we could score some gas. It was like living in Beruit, or some other war ravaged country. I had a Corvair at the time, and added a second Corvair gas tank on top of the other one, with a selector valve. I would pull in and put 32 gallons into the Corvair. :eek: Talk about driving around in a bomb ! :eek:

It became so bad, people were beating each other up and even shooting people for gas. No other story mattered at the time on the news, we just wanted to know about gas.

The oil companies have a very friendly supporter sitting in the White House, so we aren't going to see gas prices back where they were, ever. (That is just my personal feelings, not political :rolleyes: )

In today's Houston Chronicle this was one of the main headlines...

Analysts: Gas could hit $4 if storm enters Gulf

Now that *IS* BS!


It's already almost 5 bucks here so if they announced it'd hit 4 we'd be YAYAYAYYY!!!

I know this will never happen. But I think if you could get EVERYONE in the country to shut everything down for a while, something would be done.

But these emails going around saying, "dont buy gas today", isn't going to phase them. (Even if everybody did it).

Yeah, they'd up the licensing and other taxes (including property taxes) to make up for the "loss of tax revenue" as they've already been discussing!!

I'm also sure I've heard possibly New England somewhere, it's already happened. (?)

As for Don's comment about the 70's. They also did things like replace Olds 455s with 350s only to find out the mileage was exactly the SAME if not actually worse!!
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what a topic, the bottom line is that we need to stop buying oil from people that want to kill us. I don't care how we do it, just get it done. Build more refineries, find oil in the gulf of mexico, and be done with it. Oil companies are seeing ridiculous profits, if there was a shortage, there wouldn't be ridicolous profits, end of story.

oh yeah, my first car was a convertible geo metro, got 50mpg all day long. I really miss that car and plan to buy another someday. All the high performance suzuki swift stuff is bolt in including the motor and the same car was sold as the pontiac firefly with a turbo in canada.
See Joe,
That right there is very useful information....
Time to start hunting up those lil old grocery getters and breath new life into them and new skin on them.
Check this out. A guy I know use to work for Standard Oil, he said theres enough oil to last for 600 years. If the gas companies were nationalized, there would be enough profit that no one would have to pay income tax. The first gas shortage stopped when the government threatened to nationalize the gas companies. Ironic. the oil pumped out of the ground is owned by the government (people) and we allow the companies to gouge us...."Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely", thats why I hate politicians.
what a topic, the bottom line is that we need to stop buying oil from people that want to kill us. I don't care how we do it, just get it done. Build more refineries, find oil in the gulf of mexico, and be done with it. Oil companies are seeing ridiculous profits, if there was a shortage, there wouldn't be ridicolous profits, end of story.

oh yeah, my first car was a convertible geo metro, got 50mpg all day long. I really miss that car and plan to buy another someday. All the high performance suzuki swift stuff is bolt in including the motor and the same car was sold as the pontiac firefly with a turbo in canada.

We don't want to kill you! (and we sell you 80% of your oil!)

I actually had a '91 Firefly Turbo. Got 39-42 mpg. Even averaged 29 in the city with me HAMMERING it!! It was great fun spooling up the Turbo and BUH-BYE!! Little sucker'd do 100 mph NO problem!!

Chevy Sprint Turbo was the same car too. There's a couple good forums.
Bush = high gas prices!

The Bush's r oil rich & so r all their friends. I live in the oil capital of the world & it's no big secret here... it's all BS! Back in the day we had the "windfall profit tax"... that kooled their heels & quick! As long as Bush is in office... gasoline will stay high! Watch what happens when he leaves office! It's a well worn cycle here... majors merge... majors are broken up... majors merge... about a 10 year cycle! During the upcoming elections they'll start talking about a breakup!

If you look at gas prices in Calif, Exxon Mobil has the most expensive gas but they are the biggest producers. A radio show recommended buying gas from other suppliers instead of Mobil. This would force Mobil to cut prices and other companies would follow. Since then, I have been buying Standard.
In the mid-west, a co-op started producing alcohol and they were taking investors, the gas companies dropped prices and interest in the co-op faded.
In the 70's (first gas crunch), there were 70,000 barrels of oil, sitting on the docks, just 1 day going overseas and there was so much gas, the gas companies were using abandoned gas stations to store fuel. What we need is a politician who has the welfare of the people at heart, not big business. Did anyone ever hear of the "Skull and Bones"? Almost every politician and corporate official is a member.
heres something to think about
a large chunk of what we pay for gas is tax to maintain the roads, i'm ok with that to an extent, but here is the kicker...

as we switch to electric/water powered cars, people will stop buying gasoline, "forcing" the governement to raise even higher taxes on gas; driving prices up even more. Watch, it will happen on the pretext that people who want to pollute with their gas guzzlers should pay more anyways.
I received this e-mail yesterday, I thought it was cute to post on this thread....just a little laugh....but true. Enjoy

Garfield on the oil crisis

A lot of folks can't understand how we came
to have an oil shortage here in our country.
Well, there's a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn't know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical.
Our OIL is located in
Coastal Florida
Coastal Louisiana

are located in
Washington,DC !!!
Any Questions ???



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