Why are broom and mop handles so short, or taking care of the Mrs housework.........

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Yep, having to take care of the Mrs housework since she's on the disabled list for a while. Had a little excitement the other night, the neighbors that live behind my Pa in laws house had a semi truck catch fire Thursday night in their yard. Wife heard a explosion, could see flames higher than the treetops, went running out the door across the road to her Dad's house. Highway was wet, she slipped off the edge of the pavement, fell and broke her right leg at the ankle. :eek:4 weeks of crutches, not being able to do much. I get to keep the housework up, washing clothes, sweeping and mopping. Trying to figure out why broom and mop handles are so short, I'm 5'11", and the handles seem like they're made for somebody about 5' tall. Rough on the old back and shoulders I tell ya.[ddd

She wanted to try and drive yesterday, so we went to the drugstore to get her meds. 3 mile trip, not easy to drive with a big fiberglass cast on your leg and can't bend your ankle.:eek: She got up to about 50 mph, all she could mash the pedal. Decided it would be a few days before she'd try that again!:rolleyes:

So, I guess I get to be a house husband for a few weeks. Got all the clothes washed and put away, floors swept and mopped, doggies fed. I gotta go back to work tonight, maybe then I can get some rest![cl
Sorry to hear that Bama. Another hiccup in life.

When my wife broke her arm, I had that duty and didn't mind most of it.
It was the armpit shaving that killed me. Still have evil thoughts once in a while.
Hope she heals rapidly.
Bam, just trying to picture you in that little apron?????[ddd

just kiddin', doesn't hurt to help when needed....who
knows may get a few brownie points......
wishing the misses well.............
I think you have your answer on the handles, men weren't meant to be doing that stuff.[ddd[ddd
You probably need to hire a purdy little 20 year old to do that mopping and dusting. And plus I'm sure it would quicken the healing process for the missus.[ddd[ddd
Hope the wife gets well soon.....that's a lot for her to go through to prove to you how much she does around the house. :eek: I'm sure we could all help out a bit more than we do if we'd admit it.
Wow, sorry to hear that about your wife ! A guy I work with and his wife were coming out of a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and she fell on a curb and broke her ankle. They had to do emergency surgery and put pins and screws in it. He showed me pictures of the incisions, man, they really cut her up.

She can't even put weight on it for 8 weeks, so tell your wife she is somewhat fortunate........it could have been worse.

Wish her luck for us.

Sorry to hear about your wife, broken bones suck! Especially on your feet!

And sorry for the guys rig who burned! Hope he don't have Allstate!!!!!!!
I've been known to replace the short handles with push broom handles then, cut off to length needed :D
Tell Mrs. Bam not to over do it for a while.
Thanks guys, I'll pass it on.

We've been married 37 years last Thursday, so there has always been a lot of give and take and helping each other out or we wouldn't have made it this long together. I don't do a lot of house work, but have always kept my clothes washed so she didn't have to do it. Never been much of one for the sweeping and mopping thing though. We bought a shop vac a while back, she likes it better than the high dollar Rainbow vac that quit after years of service recently. Works good in the house as well as outside in the shop. The shop air hose blows too much dust! Been there and tried that before! :eek:

And no, I ain't got an apron. :D I'm just barely house broke.:D

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