"Bickle" 1948 3100

Rat Rods Rule

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haha its been a minute but I get the reference! [cl[cl[cl

got the firewall chunk for the HVAC installed. it was nice having it up high like that because I could get the bottom part while sitting on my stool, and the top part by standing. very handy!


I put the cab and bed back on and rolled the front clip in to design the rad mount.


today I did a bunch of parts for my neighbor, he said he needed a few "small gussets" for a kayak trailer he was building, and brought over a design for a 10x10 gusset with screw holes. and needed 10. haha. I designed them quick and popped them out. he brought a 2x4 sheet of 1/8th and said "you can keep whats left", I took the sheet back with me, it was literally scrap haha.

then jeremy came over. he had bought a long bed s10 frame, until I showed him the middle cab mount that made it an ext cab.


but a couple hours togethr and it became a 116.5 from 123.



as payment he left the slots.



they arent me, especially RWL, but slots are pretty hot right now so when the hagglers come for bickle I will bargain with the slots to keep the 20s with new tires. or keep them for my baby coe.


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I love the slot mags......on the right vehicles. I've thought about putting a set on my Lincoln, but you're right, they have gotten popular again, and prices have went through the roof, especially anything deep dish like a 15" x 10", the gasser guys are all over them. They would look good of some of your builds, but not all of them.

I'm also looking at Torque Thrusts, polished or chrome for my car. I like the old design styles better than the new ones. But no need for me to be in a hurry as long as it's still sitting in the shop.:rolleyes:

What's this mini cabover you speak of? Did I miss something? Love an old pug nose![cl
yeah I can appreciate the look, I like TTII also, there is a shop in oklahoma spamming craigslist and facebook with AR TT for $100 ea, pretty cheap for such a good looking wheel.

the baby coe is an idea I had to MAKE a coe from a 1/2 ton longbed the hood would have to be custom (I actually tried to buy skulls shotrod hood but shipping wasnt a possibility and the great w northwest is a bit far from kansas pancakes) but I think I can make everything else work. the ideaa is to have it fit in a regular sized garage. now that I know EXACTLY how tall something can be and still roll in my shop, I think I can do it.
started on the radiator mounts, I like using the stock s10 rad because it has the cooler in it and is sized to the motor, also the common 19x22 rads have the lower hose pointing at the mechanical fan, not the water pump outlet. I think its because they use the same end tanks as the wider rads they produce, which if it were wider it would point at the water pump.

anywho. the s10 rad is 31" wide but the core is only about 23" wide so almost perfect for the opening in the core support. I usually make these parts with tin snips but now that I have the table I just checked out a quick design.


you can see I had my head firmly lodged in my buttocks, because instead of turning one over to make a left I made two rights. since I forgot to add the bending cuts in the first set I made a second set and turned the left over this time.


I also programmed the close out panels and made a set of those too.


trial fitting, looking good!


it was supposed to rain so I pushed the truck back in and quit for the day. it didnt rain, but the cool weather is nice, so I will get back on it today.


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see, what happened is I originally replied to burgers 50 dodge pilot thread by mistake, and deleted that post and copy pasted it here. when you delete a post the pictures go away too, I didnt expect that. [S

edit: got the pieces trimmed and fitted, the inners are super strong now and only a little bit of patching left.


notice that the pieces are ONLY welded to the inner. at the core support I used screws, and its not welded at the part of the fender I trimmed. no need to make it all one big piece that cant be taken apart without a saw.

test fit the rad. it will drop an inch in the rubber mounts and will be 1.5 inches further from the core support, this is to fit the condenser in between, sandwiched. also it will be shifted to the drivers side because the condenser lines come from the passenger side.


I really like this setup. a little planning and I have a repeatable solution.


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I put the front end on and then took it off to do the power steering lines and steering shaft, which means I need the pedal/column bracket 100% complete. I didnt like the height of the pedal so I changed the design slightly and cut another. tacking the bends helps keep them in shape, especially when I have to do that double 45 bend.


everything welded and hot, some time in the carpet dryer will help.


while that was cooling I went outside and welded up the two ugly antenna holes and the holes on the dash where the fan was.



my neighbor finished up his kayak trailer I cut some parts for, he is bustin proud and should be, he is a dynamite human being.



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thanks guys, my neighbor is the best guy on the planet I think, a real role model for how to be a patient and gentle man.

cant install the pedal till I paint the dash. you may remember what a fiasco my dash paints are, usually I do it at least twice, the first time solvent cracks or runs like a ball player signature. I took a different tack this time, degreasing and using only a new wire cup brush, not one that has been used on other stuff. a wipe with acetone and it laid out really nice.



I dont like pewters but its not really about what I like. it did match the gold on the chevelle wheel exactly though.


painted up the pedal bracket and hardware, half the dash bracket got more PEEYOOTER because it is visible. (theres my run in the black, it waited. haha)



I designed the pedal bracket to need the booster bolts just slightly loose to assemble, so that when you had the dash side tight you tighten the booster bolts and everything cinches up.


I changed pedal placement because I am my own worst critic, you will hear me complaining months later about something I SHOULD have done. well I changed it and iit is perfect, not a single fault or complaint with where the pedal ended up.


gotta build the lower column mount yet, the column needs to come out of the dash slightly too it is hitting one of the bracket bolts and that makes it lower. it looks close to the seat but that is just foreshortening from the camera


while I was shooting pyooter everywhere, I shot the speaker grille and glovebox door too.


is DJ MC HOT AS FRICK outside but I will go drill the steering shaft hole and maybe get the lower bracket on. then its bolting the cab and bed down, reinstalling the front clip, and wiring. stay tuuuuned.


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it came out just ok, dried a little orange peely. I may wet sand and paint again or maybe clear it, or probably nothing. :D

I did a bunch, so much I forgot pictures of most of it. fixed the windshield frame rust, that was easy, put some kitty hair on the cowl repair too. hooked up the dizzy and the oil pressure sender, 02 sensors. installed the bulkhead pass through for the main harness. almost done underneath, need some bolts in the trans crossmember and some tie downs on the fuel lines.

installed that floor chunk to let the shifter cable pass through, worked nice.


installed the inside HVAC chunk, I really like how it lines up in these trucks, ducks under and beside the cowl vent mechanism like it was made for it. even the heater hoses match.


got the cab lined up correctly and bolted it down forever, then lined up thr front clip and bolted it down too. I didnt forget to install the 1/2 ton e brake bracket, the 2 tons dont have one and the 1/2 tons need it to line up and hold the inner fenders.


passenger side bolted straight up, only one nutsert broke out when cleaning the threads.


I dont know if anyone remembers the poop shed the place with my shop was when we bought it, but we finished it up last month.



thats mom smiling, she loves the peace and quiet and the big lot. we were planning to start refurbing the shop but we got a call about another property so we signed papers on it yesterday.


if you look close, you can see moms place across the street. couldnt pass up that opportunity! its an older manufactured home with a 24x24 attached garage. 11 ft ceilings! maybe a lift will fit.. hmmm.

my daughter flies in tomorrow at 4, cant wait!


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