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    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Kind of a sad day.
      Even in modern times seeing big manufacturing areas dry up is tough. I’m 67 and grew up in Stratford Ct. We had so many factories...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      I hope it stays. One of very few sites I check in to often during the day. Jim
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Backup cameras.
      Using a backup cam takes some getting used to. We have one in our RAV4 and being old I most times don't even use it. They are nice...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread New toy!!.
      I have a DJI mini and love it. The more expensive ones are so much easier to fly than the cheap ones. Sign up here Mavic Pilots Lots of...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      PayPal show Manage Cultured Media DBA Group Builder payments. Is that here? $9.99. Jim
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      It all seems legit. Got a verification in email and my ads are gone.
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      I hope it is real because I just signed up. Jim
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Endless BS thread.
      So sorry to hear. Jim
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Thursday at Gruber's.
      Even here in CT there are so many shows. Cars and Coffee events are every Sunday in multiple towns. Got to get in and out early lately...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Thursday at Gruber's.
      The 32 is incredible!
    • redidbull
      redidbull reacted to gene49's post in the thread What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend? with Like Like.
      I spent the beautiful day with my lovely wife. We started off with breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. Then we cruised through...
    • redidbull
      I worked on trying to get gas tank straps on my 89 F150 for about an hour yesterday with no luck. Seem too short. I hate wasted time. Jim
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread John Force.
      So very sad. My WIfe's friend lost her 26 year old Daughter to stage 4 breast cancer last year. I hope someday they find a cure. Way...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Thursday at Gruber's.
      I was curious of this too. I have been in that situation twice. Luckily I was in a manual which helped me slow to a crawl and do the...
    • redidbull
      redidbull replied to the thread Car Show Today.
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