Rat Rods Rule

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    • sc5080
      sc5080 reacted to bob w's post in the thread Rat Rod of the Day! with Like Like.
      That RPU kinda, sorts resembles mine.
    • sc5080
      sc5080 replied to the thread Sheets & Giggles.
      I’m thinking of coming down next year but it will depend a lot on how well my knee lets me get around. I can’t promise anything yet but...
    • sc5080
      sc5080 reacted to forbigpicture's post in the thread Sheets & Giggles with Like Like.
      I feel ya sc... I'm kinda in the same situation Knowing I need to let go but hate to give them up... glad you got to enjoy as much as...
    • sc5080
      sc5080 replied to the thread Sheets & Giggles.
      And so closes another chapter in my life as “Sheets” gets loaded up to go to a new home. Hopefully the new owner will have as much fun...
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