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    • soltz
      soltz reacted to earthman's post in the thread Endless BS thread with Like Like.
      1. When one door closes and another door opens, you are probably in prison. 2. To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it. 3. Age...
    • soltz
      soltz reacted to offroadrolls's post in the thread Endless BS thread with Like Like.
      An old guy the age of 88 is fishing one day at the lake by his house when hears a small voice say "pick me up, pick me up." He takes a...
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread 1930 Dodge truck, not a Fargo.
      Looking very good !!! 🍿
    • soltz
      soltz reacted to bob w's post in the thread 1930 Dodge truck, not a Fargo with Like Like.
      I cut up the booth shown earlier and just set it in place. Looks decent and the price is right. Cleaned up the old free trunk and set it...
    • soltz
      soltz reacted to Tripper's post in the thread Side shot Saturday! with Like Like.
      My daddy loved Caddys & Buicks & had one of these, it was one of his favs & mine too! He met a guy in California that split the exhaust...
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Hot Rod Poetry.
      Well said Bob! Even bare metal is easer to care of than that $5000 paint job!
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread 31 chevy custom.
      I like pic one, built in suiside doors built in🤫 We’ll be watching 🙄
    • soltz
      soltz reacted to bob w's post in the thread Hot Rod Poetry with Like Like.
      I Stepped out of the shop into the dark. Off in the distance a heard a coyote bark. The night time animals were on the prowl. From the...
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Nov 7-8 2024 Snow Storm!.
      Edgewood is about the middle, I’m in the North West, 10 miles from Colorado
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread 1930 Dodge truck, not a Fargo.
      That looks good and comfortable!!
    • soltz
      soltz reacted to bob w's post in the thread 1930 Dodge truck, not a Fargo with Like Like.
      This is an attempt to post pics directly from my phone. Here's the booth I am going to try to make a seat for the truck out of.
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Nov 7-8 2024 Snow Storm!.
      We got some snow up here in 4 corners but not that much🤔 Being retired is great when the weather turns bad, you only go out if you want...
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Back to forums!.
      Welcome aboard!! That’ll look good, save your change for a dropped axle!
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Tis the season.
      Yep, that’s the I’ve done for some time now. I’ve used sheet metals, card board, poster, or any thing laying around. Yours looks great!
    • soltz
      soltz replied to the thread Rust is my favorite color.
      Welcome aboard! Like the old square ford trucks! Looking forward to your build🍿
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