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Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Tempe AZ on the corner of Oak and Southern
Joe's thread has me thinking how much i love to see new ideas
and innovation. Have a few pix from the web and if anyone else
has some to add please do.


Gastrick,I hoped you would contribute from your amazing collection.That is way interesting to look at, what is the second shifter looking lever to the right?

Okay you comedians. The part itself came from a P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft. In this car, it is used for the choke, ignition, and start functions. The car (Backseat Betty) was built by Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle. Here's a better pic of just the assembly.

that one is cool, i wish i could contribute, none of my unique creations have made it out of my head yet. May be i should start working and stop waiting for them to materialize before me. :D
That is a real cool car, do you have pics of the outside? I have had an idea for a couple of years now of scratch building a model a style body, but constructing it just like the old bombers, with all rivets exposed. Ive been researching old plane pics and prints, to see how they were made, one day i will start on it.

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