Are car sales this dead every where?

Rat Rods Rule

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It does stink to sell stuff for a low price. I let my very solid '53 Ford F100 go for $1800 and have quite a bit more in it. Just needed it gone. I also like how people help on this site and actually share opinions without attitude.
Everything is connected, so I bet every market is slower now than normally they would be. We went to a swap meet Sunday to unload a bunch of stuff that was in our way, and we did well, but we were not trying to get rich off of it, just make a few bucks to buy some more stuff we don't need. :eek: No one else there was doing much at all because they were trying to make a profit. One lady from the space next to us said when we unloaded two cars worth of stuff they thought we would be packing it up at the end of the day, but we sold just about everything. I was determined the heavy stuff was NOT going back home again, so we took any reasonable offer.

I went home with $ 400 in my pocket and my Son Don made $ 185.00. People were not spending money like they usually would though.


You are like me, I set up at swap meets/flea markets to get rid of stuff and that means you have to sell it cheap. People don't go to those functions to pay high prices, they go for bargains. And the same with cars. Make a few bucks and flip em, keep the money moving. Just yesterday I bought a pickup for 4450 and had it sold for $800 before I even paid for it. I picked it up, paid for it and had it on my buyers trailer in less than an hour. I'm sure I could have spent a month selling it and got 1000-1200 but I made 350 in an hour and that ain't bad, now I have my money to make another deal. Same with the old rusty prewar trucks. I have a guy who usually takes all of them I find because I sell them at about half what high market value is but I drag one home and make 200-300 and just unload it right at his place.
I've always done well during recessions, people tend to fix the cars they have instead of buying more new ones. Even with the economy in the tank, this has been a great year for me with my buying, selling and trading.

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