Gonna be gone for a few days

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
Ravenden Springs, Arkansas
I know i dont post here alot like everyone else, but i am still around. The wife and I are about to leave to go to the hospital so they can induce her labor. :D So ill be gone until probably wednesday or so. Will give an update and post pictures as soon as we get back home.

Wish us luck, its our first child. We are both excited, and then the nerves kick in and Carrie is also a little scared, which i figure is normal for all new moms.

Preston Kinchloe Stevens will be here in a few hours. Yall take care and ill catch ya on the flip side.

WOW, that is awesome! congrats and goodluck to you guys. remember if she yells at ya in the del. room she may not mean it! lol. but seriously congrats! dp1
WOW, that is awesome! congrats and goodluck to you guys. remember if she yells at ya in the del. room she may not mean it! lol. but seriously congrats! dp1

And she WILL yell at ya, "YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!!!!" But she still loves ya dude, Congrats on the new arrival.

:D Larry aka Ratcrazy
i had bruses on my arm after the fist one and i am shure she wanted to give me a black eye as she was saying you did this to me

lol but it was worth it trust me
Good luck.I have walked in your shoes twice.The first time she was callen me every name in the book.15 hrs in labor.The second time it happened so fast my son almost landed on the floor he came out so fast.

Congratulations, hope all goes well and everyone is healthy.
It is definately a life changing experiance on many levels.. :eek::D
All the best..'22
We are both excited, and then the nerves kick in and Carrie is also a little scared, which i figure is normal for all new moms.

Er... yep... that's pretty normal but we're all here if u know what I mean! Please let us know about the new addition!!! :D:D:D

Congrats to you, the wife & new little rat rodder. Definitely a life changing event,,,in the best way !!!
Alright yall, we are back home and mom and baby are doing great. I will be posting some pictures later on after i resize and all that good stuff.

They started the inducing monday night at 9:30. At 3:30 she was just at 1 cm, so we were thinking great its going to be forever. They came back in at 8 the next morning and she was just at 2cm with very very mild contractions. At 9:30 she was having heavy contractions, still only 2 cm. So now she starts being in pain and we try to get her focus point down and her breathing started and under control. At 9:50 shes in severe pain and screaming to yank the baby out, not screaming at me about anything, just wanted the baby out. Then she starts wanting to push, so the nurse and I freak out and told her to not push as he would rip her apart. At 10:07 she was 4cm and they gave her the spinal tap and sadle block. At 10:17 she was 10 cm, and was in labor. 28 minutes later and he was here.

Preston Kinchloe Stevens, born at 10:45 am. 6 lbs 7.8 oz, and 19.5 inches long. :D :D :D


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Congratulations Mom & Dad! Life will never be the same, it will be much more rewarding having a child.
Alright, finally getting around to posting some pics. Yall have seen my favorite now for the others. :D


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Glad everything worked out for mom and the baby.

Now this will be the best time of your life.

No sleep for the first three months.So sleep when the baby does.

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