Had to say good bye to an old friend today

Rat Rods Rule

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A man in his natural habitat....a Studebaker
Dec 8, 2007
I know there are a lot of animal lovers here, so I thought I'd just share a little bad news I got today. A couple days ago I took one of my cats to the vet cause he wasn't himself and seemed to be getting worse over night. The vet said his blood sugar was spiked and his kidneys were shutting down. The vet kept him there and was trying to get things under control...even had hope because his sugar was back to normal levels and the kidney enzemes were where they should be but sometime last night (before 6:30AM this morning, when the vet checked on him), he passed on to a much better place.

His name was Scrooby Do (short for screwball....when he was a kitten, he'd harasss the dogs then jump out of the line of fire and sit there almost laughing at the dogs...I couldn't come up with anything other then "what a screwball"). He was always there beside me, and always had something to "say".

Rest in Peace Scrooby Do...I'll miss you

Sorry to hear. :( From one cat lover to another, I've been there and it ain't no fun. I always say we're not getting another one but I've been wrong every time so far. :rolleyes: Currently have a 10 year old and a 2 year old.
Was never a cat kind of guy.....

But I sympathize with anyone who loses a beloved animal.....I'm sure that Scooby will be missed....:(
Sorry to hear that Ron....my sympathy goes out to you and your family....each pet has its own personality and can't be replaced....
We have a 16 year old cat (Onyx) that has really declined over the last couple months. He is still with us (today) but I feel it won't be long.
Sorry to hear that. I have lost the friendship of several pets I was close to in the last couple years so I know what it's like. Just last week Bandit, my oldest sisters old dog who I always take care of when they are on the road. It was time. I only have a cat and freak out when she doesn't come in at night sometimes.
I really hate to hear of things like this because I know firsthand the pain you are feeling. I am so sorry for the loss, Scooby was a beautiful cat .

I am becoming more philosophical about the loss of an animal, and feel that at least we gave him or her a great home to live in and a wonderful life. As I have mentioned, I feed a bunch of strays at the shop every night for the past 3 years and I see them come and go and you always wonder what happened to them when they stop coming. Deep down you know it wasn't something good. :( I try not to get too attached to them, but certain ones become close to us and come into the shop and hang out while we are working.

When I lost Sniffy and Scooter, who were both about 17 I swore I never wanted another pet, it is just too painful losing them. But Lucky came into my life and has been a wonderful addition to the family, he and Chewy (my Son Dan's cat) keep me laughing every day at the goofy stuff they do.

Again, I am so sorry for the loss of Scooby. :(

Ron I am sorry to hear about the loss of Scooby. Like many of the guys on here I have a few cats that I care more about than some of the people I know. Last week one of my adopted pets starting having nightly seizures. Scared the crap out of until I found out she only has a flea allergy. Crazy thing is this cat only goes outside about 10 minutes per week and never leaves the concrete.
Thanks guys. He was a rescue (like all of my pets the last 20-25 years). He helped fill my life for the last 11 years and he was a good friend. My chocolate lab and other cat have been looking for him the last couple of days, but honestly, I think the other cat is secretly happy to not have to share the food dish:)

Anyway, thanks again for the thoughts...it helps..........and O.M.Dave, glad your cats problem isn't to major...just forget those 10 minutes a week and things should be good

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