Krazy weather... snowing in Tejas!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
Staff member
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Yep... hard to believe but it's snowing here in Texas tonight... krazy! :eek:

LOL, my son in-law was in Houston for work this week and flew back to West Virginia this afternoon.....he said folks were losing their minds there when he left. :eek:
I poured the snow here today but with wet ground there was no accumulation.
Crazy weather is right, up here in the GWN its T shirt weather starting this afternoon for over a week and not a speck of snow on the ground.[S[S
Snowing in Bama today! I'm in Nashville Tn this morning, dry as a bone! They're supposed to get snow, not us in Bama! Crazy weather for sure!
Blah...blah....blah. :D
We got over a foot yesterday. Had to have the drive plowed to get out.
Snowing again this morning and it sounded like the county plow truck just went by.
Good day for indoor boating......
It hasn't snowed here at all. Even the 7,000 ft mountain right behind us is bare!!!

Send it my way if you guys want!!
haha, we were talking about that yesterday. An inch of snow in Texas and they cancel school, nobody goes to work. In Alaska, 2 feet of snow and the school buses just chain up.

My Oldest was living in Vegas the last time it snowed out there. She was one of the few to get to work because she had learned to drive in it. :D
My Oldest was living in Vegas the last time it snowed out there. She was one of the few to get to work because she had learned to drive in it. :D

Well, I thought that when I lived in Tejas but it didn't help when you are the only one on the road with a conditioned response. It's best not to go out on glare ice with Texans.

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