Best Wedding I've ever been to

Rat Rods Rule

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He's rockin' the "Nuttin Special"!
Nov 15, 2013
Flawda Flats
Yesterday I attended a wedding for my friends of several years Roger and Cheryl. They've been together for years and are quite the pair. It was a small gathering of friends and family, held at a private social hall. Food and drinks! Small setting but what a huge affair if ya know what I mean. We walked into the place only to find out that secretly, the bride Cheryl had arrainged for entertainment. The guy is called "The Sauce Boss" . Bill Wharton is his name. This guy plays a form of blues that can really only be called his own. He's in his late 60s but don't let that fool you! I've never seen anybody that can get the crowd into the groove and on their feet as fast as this guy does. He was solo in his act at the wedding but usually has backup. His show is always focused around cooking, thus the name Sauce Boss. He sets up a burner on stage and a huge pot and as he does his routine, he's constantly, checking, adding ingredients, and stirring that pot, all the while, cooking the blues too! He cooks a gumbo during his show that is then offered to the crowd to eat and it's killer too. Anything left over after the party is donated to food lines and such.
I took a bunch of pix but they are sorry. All I had was my cell phone and it just doesn't do very well with the light I had, plus the wiggles...boy, I must have the shakes.:rolleyes: sorry for the pix quality, but enjoy if ya can. The Sauce Boss got the people up and several took turns stirring the pot. The crowd consisted of all ages. Lot's of pretty women around, but it was adjudged by us in the peanut gallery that the two sexiest women in the place at this deal were also two of the oldest women in the place. Did the old ticker good...
The newlyweds:

The Sauce Boss:
Wow that had to be a blast! Believe it or not I'm familiar with the "Sauce Boss", thanks to the good ol' internet. Bill has been playin' and cookin' and feedin' the homeless for several years...long live "Planet Gumbo" [cl[cl
I'll have to see if I can find the video of him getting busted for playing on the street....St. Augustine I believe it was?
I enjoy all his stuff but like him best as a one man band.....but then again I'm a sucker for a "one man band". :cool:
Wow that had to be a blast! Believe it or not I'm familiar with the "Sauce Boss", thanks to the good ol' internet. Bill has been playin' and cookin' and feedin' the homeless for several years...long live "Planet Gumbo" [cl[cl
I'll have to see if I can find the video of him getting busted for playing on the street....St. Augustine I believe it was?
I enjoy all his stuff but like him best as a one man band.....but then again I'm a sucker for a "one man band". :cool:

I figured some of ya'll would know his stuff! I'll have to take your word on the vids. I can't load one on my stuff with dial-up, but thanks for sharing for others. What was the song in the first one Snake Farm? I have 3 of his cds now, counting the one I got from him yesterday. His newest one is called "100% Pure Sauce Boss" I also have "Florida Blues" and "Hot and Heavy"
Good folks having a good time and enjoying life. Thanks for sharing it SF. :cool:

Yessir Eman! This bunch I hang with might avoid the coat and tie thing so dress was casual but they'll all come to an event of a friend. Having entertainment like this at a wedding was unexpected and we have alot of Sauce Boss fans there. He plays alot down in our area for street rallys and other fun things. I've seen him live in several events but we got an up close and personal show here. It was great and he's as nice a guy as you'd ever want to meet.
I'd heard of him and listened to him o XM satalite radio. I like his stuff be'in a fan of the blues. looks like a real good time.

Kenny, what channel are you finding his stuff on? My fishin buddy Junior just got a satelite radio in his truck and maybe we can tune him next time out.
Small foot; I've heard him on B.B. Kings Bluesville. I think it is channel 70 on sirius/xm. I haven't heard him often but I remember the DJ telling about him making gumbo while he was entertaining.
Thanks Kenny I'll pass the info along. He's into blues too and may have already found the channel but thanks!

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