Custom Mopar ????

Rat Rods Rule

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Having the same problem :( can't hear what you say unless I
can see your better half gets so mad:D:D she'll say
something walking through the house and repeat it a couple
times then come back and stand in front of me and say ..
did you not hear me ! NO.....couldn't see your lips.....
That about sums it up. fbp. Kind of like when you talk on a cell for like 3 minutes only to find that the person on the other end only heard "Hello" before the call dropped.:eek:

I TAUGHT MY WIFE SIGN LANGUAGE, but she only uses one!

Do you know my DR, Crank?
He actually suggested learning "American" sign language. I told him there was no need as my wife already knows " International" sign language and she's bi-lingual to boot. She can flip me off with her right or left hand.:eek:
He was mildly amused....[S[ddd

Can you try going through the V.A.? I'm headed that way soon, my wife is ****ed that I haven't done so already, she hears in only one ear and I hear about it often.:eek:
Good luck with it either way. [cl

Thanks but not a Vet, soltz. Although that's the first thing everyone asks when they see the leg..
Thanks for all the support gang.
I knew it was a long shot but if you don't at least ask........
Do you know my DR, Crank?
He actually suggested learning "American" sign language. I told him there was no need as my wife already knows " International" sign language and she's bi-lingual to boot. She can flip me off with her right or left hand.:eek:
He was mildly amused....[S

I don't know your doctor, but you wife and mine may have crossed paths. :rolleyes: Here's the strange thing... when I see the sign, I can hear "something" at the same time. [S :D

Can you try going through the V.A.? I'm headed that way soon, my wife is ****ed that I haven't done so already, she hears in only one ear and I hear about it often.:eek:
Good luck with it either way. [cl
I am getting started working with the VA for hearing aids also. Jet engines. If your job was loud, your in. Have tinnitus, also. It is good for 10% disability. Hearing aid technology has finally caught with my issues, and can help. Or so I am told. Good luck.
I am getting started working with the VA for hearing aids also. Jet engines. If your job was loud, your in. Have tinnitus, also. It is good for 10% disability. Hearing aid technology has finally caught with my issues, and can help. Or so I am told. Good luck.

Loud? C-130 Turbo-Prop times 4 for four years as maintenance crew, lots of time on the ground and in the air.:eek:
Good luck with yours and I'll let you know how mine works out. [P
Loud? C-130 Turbo-Prop times 4 for four years as maintenance crew, lots of time on the ground and in the air.:eek:
Good luck with yours and I'll let you know how mine works out. [P
WHAT? I was a crew chief on C-141s. Your Hurkies were great little birds, too.
Don't you just love it when people make an appointment to buy parts and then show up 3 hours late. If at all.[ddd
His son wanted to help so I put him to work keeping the rain off of his dad.
Got a 1/3 of my out lay back and he wants more parts.
By the time he's done I will have covered my costs for the donor car.


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Don't you just love it when people make an appointment to buy parts and then show up 3 hours late. If at all.[ddd
His son wanted to help so I put him to work keeping the rain off of his dad.
Got a 1/3 of my out lay back and he wants more parts.
By the time he's done I will have covered my costs for the donor car.
That's the way its supposed to work. The cost coverage part, that is. Not the lack of timely arrival. [cl
You could try attaching this to your ads Torchie :rolleyes:

That's the way its supposed to work. The cost coverage part, that is. Not the lack of timely arrival. [cl

Yeah, well.
I felt bad for the guy.He had his wife/ lady friend and two little kids with him.And it started to rain the second he got here. No wonder he didn't get up at 6 a.m. to get here by 9 a.m.:eek:
The plus side is that he wants enough more stuff that the cost of the car will be covered. And it's less stuff for me to have to take off.[cl:D :cool:
My wife is still in disbelief that some one would drive 3 hours, one way, for parts for "That fugly POS, car." I told her she should have believed me when I told her it was a "Collectors" item.:eek:[ddd:D
Yeah, well.
I felt bad for the guy.He had his wife/ lady friend and two little kids with him.And it started to rain the second he got here. No wonder he didn't get up at 6 a.m. to get here by 9 a.m.:eek:
The plus side is that he wants enough more stuff that the cost of the car will be covered. And it's less stuff for me to have to take off.[cl:D :cool:
My wife is still in disbelief that some one would drive 3 hours, one way, for parts for "That fugly POS, car." I told her she should have believed me when I told her it was a "Collectors" item.:eek:[ddd:D
And she's been married to a car guy for how long? :D

Of course none of our cars are fugly. Right?
Good deal for you and the tardy buyer, Torchie! (Contrary to popular belief, nice guys finish first.)

Vehicles I never thought would become collectible or coveted...

- Fox body Mustangs
- GM G-bodys
- Square body GM trucks
- VW's of any sort

I won't bore you with a longer list, but I'm surprised at the popularity some vehicles enjoy today. Certain enthusiasts would lose their minds if they knew what we sent to the crusher, but they were worthless at the time.

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Good deal for you and the tardy buyer, Torchie! (Contrary to popular belief, nice guys finish first.)

Vehicles I never thought would become collectible or coveted...

- Fox body Mustangs
- GM G-bodys
- Square body GM trucks
- VW's of any sort

I won't bore you with a longer list, but I'm surprised at the popularity some vehicles enjoy today. Certain enthusiasts would lose their minds if they knew what we sent to the crusher, but they were worthless at the time.


No kidding ,Crank.
This guy had one of these as his HS car so I get the sentimentality of it, but....
I still chuckle to my self when younger guys talk about "Old Cars" and they are talking about something from the mid 80's.:eek:
I always tell them that it can't be that old if I worked on them when they were new.[ddd
"The beat goes on......"
No kidding ,Crank.
This guy had one of these as his HS car so I get the sentimentality of it, but....
I still chuckle to my self when younger guys talk about "Old Cars" and they are talking about something from the mid 80's.:eek:
I always tell them that it can't be that old if I worked on them when they were new.[ddd
"The beat goes on......"

I have to laugh when even people my age (early 30's) talk about "old cars", in their mind my 1993 summer daily fits into that category :p

That said, I realized my S-10 which I've owned since I was 15 is now 37 years old, so I guess it is an old vehicle.
One of what seems to be the many issues that has been impeding progress on both projects has been my continued low blood pressure. Low, as in 73/41.:eek:
Doesn't leave me with a lot of energy.
Dr tweaked my meds last week and I'm starting to feel the effects so I spent some time in the shop.
Lowered the front of the body off the blocks to make it easier to reach the middle of that Big A@% roof.
Started to strip off the old paint, section by section.Wearing a respirator as this old stuff is bad news.
Also continued on with the filler work.
Been a long time since I had a compressor that could keep up with air powered body tools. I like it...[cl:D:cool:
Supposed to be almost 90 here tomorrow I don't know what if anything will get done.
I also have my last PT appointment in the a.m so we will see if they kick me loose or not.
Thanks for stopping by.
Keep on keeping on.....


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I've never had blood pressure issues, but I'm looking forward to it. (Not.)

Been a long time since I had a compressor that could keep up with air powered body tools. I like it...[cl:D:cool:

I hoped the big lung would serve you well. [cl (I have a 60 gal single stage and it won't keep up to body tools, period. :()

Supposed to be almost 90 here tomorrow I don't know what if anything will get done.

Fall is my favorite season. (More often than not, we're well into November before it's too cold to work... indoors or out.)

One of what seems to be the many issues that has been impeding progress on both projects has been my continued low blood pressure. Low, as in 73/41.:eek:
Doesn't leave me with a lot of energy.
Dr tweaked my meds last week and I'm starting to feel the effects so I spent some time in the shop.
Lowered the front of the body off the blocks to make it easier to reach the middle of that Big A@% roof.
Started to strip off the old paint, section by section.Wearing a respirator as this old stuff is bad news.
Also continued on with the filler work.
Been a long time since I had a compressor that could keep up with air powered body tools. I like it...[cl:D:cool:
Supposed to be almost 90 here tomorrow I don't know what if anything will get done.
I also have my last PT appointment in the a.m so we will see if they kick me loose or not.
Thanks for stopping by.
Keep on keeping on.....

I'm glad you were wearing a respirator torchie, that sanding dust is no joke. I recently bought a good one because even woodworking dust would have me coughing for hours on end. Funny enough I've used them at work but never had one at home, even with paint fumes and sanding dust... [S

Hopefully some of your health issues get sorted! Take care of yourself.
I've never had blood pressure issues, but I'm looking forward to it. (Not.)

I hoped the big lung would serve you well. [cl (I have a 60 gal single stage and it won't keep up to body tools, period. :()

Fall is my favorite season. (More often than not, we're well into November before it's too cold to work... indoors or out.)

I like the fall as well ,Crank. But with some of the boat work I have to be real careful on temps dipping down at night and affecting cure times and such. This compressor has no problem keeping up, With 40 grit on the board or the DA it will pull them right out of my hands if I'm not careful.LOL

I'm glad you were wearing a respirator torchie, that sanding dust is no joke. I recently bought a good one because even woodworking dust would have me coughing for hours on end. Funny enough I've used them at work but never had one at home, even with paint fumes and sanding dust... [S

Hopefully some of your health issues get sorted! Take care of yourself.

Thanks snopro.
Lately it seems like my goal of just being stable anymore is getting harder to maintain. As my one Doc has told me.It's getting kind of late in the game on some issues but I keep on keeping on.....:)
The paint on the Dodge is some really nasty ,hard, stinky, enamel. Plus it has had a re paint as well so I't's on there pretty thick in spots.
I usually wait until the wife is out as this kind of stuff bothers her. I could use a chemical stripper but I don't like the mess or the time it takes.
The saw dust from the wooden boat project (Mahogany) is very acrid as well. If I'm using a saw or the planner I wear a mask. That's one of the reasons I like to use a chisels or a bench plane as you don't get dust. You get shavings.
This time of year I keep the shop well ventilated with the main door open and the windows as well. Plus some fans to move the air.
Hopefully more progress tomorrow.
Glad you're making progress.[cl[P Wish I could say the same. Having 4 operations on my arm and hands has slowed me down a lot and put me way behind on a lot of other stuff and the truck is last on the list.

I regret hearing this, kenny. It's hard when you are used to being able to do things for yourself.
They have me signed up for another round of PT. I told them if they were going to do it, better now then later when the weather gets crappy.:eek:
I worked on the boat project today and will get back on the Dodge tomorrow. I'm looking to alternate days so that all the different body parts can take turns hurting..:eek::D :p [ddd

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