Custom Mopar ????

Rat Rods Rule

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"Maybe I should change directions and make this build a Gasser."
If I wasn't 95% sure you are joking :confused:[S I'd have started this post a little different:D
Lookin great! I love your lift system.
Thanks kenny.
I've got 6 lifting points in my shop. Biggest drawback is the truss height. 8' to the bottom of the trusses. I over came some of that by building a Gantry lift that fits in between the trusses. The cross piece for that is at 10'. I had to pull the SBC in my wife's old boat and had to get the pan up above 7 feet to clear the boat deck so I pulled it up to the truss bottoms and then turned the engine sideways and lifted it up the rest of the way between the trusses.:cool:[cl:p

"Maybe I should change directions and make this build a Gasser."
If I wasn't 95% sure you are joking :confused:[S I'd have started this post a little different:D
It would have been done by now. OI.:eek:[ddd
More stuff off the list today.
Cut out the spare tire well.
Went after the DS lower cowl area.
I wanted this to wrap under so I can box it in for strength. I used the OLD repro rocker skins that were put on the car before I bought it.:D
Beat, but still good steel. Just needed some trimming.
Tomorrow I will put in the piece where my ground is clamped to. It will connect to the new piece as well as the new inner rocker skin.
I will also connect and reinforce the firewall foot mount from the back side.
That's all for today. Thanks for stopping in...


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Tied this all up this morning.
Based on what's left of the other side this is sort of....kind of ....what it maybe should look like.:eek: :D:p [ddd
Keep on keeping on.......


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Doesn’t really matter what it looks like since it will be hid, just has to work![ddd
I think it will do the job just fine Torchie.[cl[cl[cl
If it’s low enough, won’t anybody be able to see the bottom side. That, and black paint are how I’m doing mine, too.

This all gets covered by the fender anyways, Bama.
I discovered something important today.
S-10 fenders are held on with 6 bolts and 27 wiring harness clips attached to the inner fenders.:eek: :p [ddd [ddd
PS lower cowl all done . [;) [;)
Thanks for visiting...
Keep on keeping on.


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Rumor had it that my one friend is coming over in the morning with the expressed purpose of getting the rest of the S10 stripped down.
One can only hope.😎
You have more than one friend. We're just a little too far away to make a weekend trip. Still watching and learning.[P[P[P

Thanks kenny.:)
Finished stripping the S 10.
Somebody at some point tried to take this thing apart..... or something.:eek:
They cut the main wiring harness that goes through the firewall and under the dash.:eek::(
I guess that at this point IF I keep the 4.3 I will convert it to a carb.
I just want to get the chassis under the Dodge body to see what's what.
Perhaps tomorrow.
I know that the 2 mounting points for the box will have to go. And perhaps the cross member that went over the now removed gas tank.
Thanks for stopping by...


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