Tripper's Heart Worm PSA!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Ok guys... sorry about the O/T but this is something really important to me. I love my dog & there is one major health risk for man's best friend that is easy to solve & something I do *without* fail every single month. I treat my dog for heart worms on the 1st... no excuses. I was at the Vet last month gettin' the lil Tripper's checkup & we started talkin' about this issue & he said it burns him up when people let their dog get this potentially fatal disease when it is SO easy to solve... so... treat your dog monthly... please!!! :D

I do the same for the heart worm treatments. It seems strange but when the little varmits go, it's almost like losing a family member. I like to take care of them and keep them healthy as long as possible. I have one that is getting fairly old right now but she's still pretty active. I'm not sure how old she is because she was a rescued stray but I've had her for almost 12 years. Tripper said....take care of our buddies!

we just lost our littlest female lab (6 yrs old) to lime diesease. We tried every med under the sun for 4 months but she finally faded down and refused to even drink water. Still have her brother and mother though. And yes, treat them for the heart worm!

I own a boarding kennel/gromming salon, Try telling a dog owner, that has a dog with heartworms , that your Insurance will not let you keep or bathe a heartworm possive dog because it may die if it gets excited and the heart rate incresses, PLEASE get heartworm meds , DOGMAN

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