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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
I know this should go in the BS section, but didn't want it missed. A fellow rodder and Father needs our help. Here is his post on another forum:

Some of you guys and gals who have been around here for a while know that my son has had to have several spinal surgeries to correct his scoliosis issues. He is scheduled for surgery this Monday and I received a call last night from Shriners in Philly that there is a shortage of O- and O+ at the Red Cross Blood Bank and that his surgery might have to be cancelled (we have been waiting two years for him to make it into the surgical rotation). I immediately got on the phone with the local (to the hospital) blood bank and found out it's not just an issue locally, but nation wide...So here is my plea, if you have either O- or O+ blood and have not donated in the last 6 months, I beg you to do so now, TODAY. If you are in the tri-state area of NY/NJ/PA, you can tell them it is specifically for my sons surgery this coming Monday at Shriners/Temple U Medical Center........

Bill is a moderator on Clubhotrod, and a super nice guy. If anyone is O type, please go give some blood that will help his Son have this much needed surgery. If you can do it, please either contact me or Bill at He has a thread going there.

Thanks guys.

that's the pits. my work lets us donate blood on the clock every few weeks (whatever the timeframe is). they have the mobile blood mobile come out here to our work. makes it super easy. I wish i could do more but my blood is a or b, i can't remember, i just know it's not O. Will a straight plasma donation help? It's a full day to donate that but i think it's universal. Find out if he needs that and if so I will do it. thanks don.
i'm not sure how it works exactly but it's a method of taking only the plama portion of your blood instead of something else. It allows them to use it with any blood type, why i don't know. The up-side is you can donate plasma more often then blood and in larger amounts. the down side is that it takes about four hours, which is why most people don't do it. like i said though, if his doctors can use that i'd be more then happy to donate it. i'm sure they would know what it is if mentioned.
I wish I could help.
I have not been home from Afghanistan but 2 1/2 yrs. and Red Cross won't even let me donate until 5 yrs. after my rotation.

That really sux because I'm O-pos.

I hate not being able to help.

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