What ever happened to Rev Grimm 13?

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
The big pond
Not trying to start anything but wonder what ever happened to that crazy Rev Grimm 13. I know he got booted from every forum he has ever allowed on but since I haven't heard a peep about him in years, I figured he might be in the skull orchard so to speak! :eek:

there are a lot of guys who have just vanished.... assume they aren't in to rods or just to busy to stop by.. when i read the first 15 or so pages of my build there are lots of names that use to be big contributers that are gone..

was he the guy who had the rear engine rod that caused trouble on all the forums?
It's happening on every board I'm on. One has dwindled from 50-75 people a few years ago to about 7-8 of us now. I don't believe it will last far into next year. I don't know if it's facebook or not, but a lot of folks go there. I look around, have about a dozen friends is all, but don't stay on it over a few minutes at a time, sometimes I go for weeks without looking at it.
I have noticed the same thing on a few forums im on. Go from hundreds of new posts a day to a hand full. Oh well, the important people stick around! Lol

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