
Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Tempe AZ on the corner of Oak and Southern
Might as well let my only friends in on recent events at my house tho i don't normally share much of my personal life. I completely retired a few weeks ago and was loving it. Spending 12 hour days under a canopy in the driveway working on three mostly running rats. (Three running out of eight projects stashed around out of view of the city.) Sunday before Memorial day i was working on the bucket without a shirt when a radiator hose connection let go with 190 degree water directed straight at me. Mostly recovered now but skin will be too sensitive for direct sunlight and heat for sometime now so maybe late September i can get back to work in the driveway.
Fortunately there is ac in the garage where the stalled out shoebox gasser project is. Unfortunately there is very little working area available due to the years of accumulated car stuff. Some of you may be able to relate. :)
Plan to cool it down in there and see if i can be productive enough to preserve my sanity today. Thanks for listening.
Working in your million dollar tan and got a hot bath instead!! Doesnt sound fun! Stay safe!!
Dang E-man, hate to hear about your bad luck... hope you heal quickly.
Congrats on the retirement thing [cl[cl. I had more projects than I could ever
finish so I've been thining the herd, down to three and still can't get anything done....Good luck with the sanity thing:rolleyes::D
I don't know how I got anything done before I retired. I still work two or three days a week and still not enough time. I've been off the last week with my wife who just had hip replacement surgery. Have gotten to a few small projects around the house but couldn't get out of earshot of her in case she needed something. Got several new parts waiting to be put on the Lincoln, but it has to wait a while.

Good luck on the burns. That's one of the most painful things to overcome. Even though it's been hot here, I never go shirtless.
Working in your million dollar tan and got a hot bath instead!! Doesnt sound fun! Stay safe!!

Never considered this potential hazard with open engine compartments LowBud.

Dang E-man, hate to hear about your bad luck... hope you heal quickly.
Congrats on the retirement thing [cl[cl. I had more projects than I could ever
finish so I've been thining the herd, down to three and still can't get anything done....Good luck with the sanity thing:rolleyes::D

I certainly need to thin them out FBP but lifelong dreams sure die hard.
E-man, don't scald yourself anymore.
Yes, I've got 9 cars which is more than I need. Wife says thin the herd. Maybe I should go from one wife to zero. Just kidding.
I know I can't do all the cars justice, but they aren't hurting anything, so what's the problem?
WOW, that sucks:eek:
Good vibes for healing quickly. [cl
I've been retired going on 22 yrs and don't know how i had time to go to work before:rolleyes:
It's a hard life but someone has to do it :D
That must have been a shock... I hope you heal quick

Thanks Dutch. I have made it over the hump at this point.

E-man, don't scald yourself anymore.
Yes, I've got 9 cars which is more than I need. Wife says thin the herd. Maybe I should go from one wife to zero. Just kidding.
I know I can't do all the cars justice, but they aren't hurting anything, so what's the problem?

You're right Bob the projects are fine where they are.

WOW, that sucks:eek:
Good vibes for healing quickly. [cl
I've been retired going on 22 yrs and don't know how i had time to go to work before:rolleyes:
It's a hard life but someone has to do it :D

Thanks for the good vibes Soltz. I sure enjoyed retirement until i got trapped inside for the summer. :)
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Geez E-man, that's scary! There's easier ways to get attention from nurses, you know. I'm glad you're healing up, hope it goes quick.

E-man, don't scald yourself anymore.
Yes, I've got 9 cars which is more than I need. Wife says thin the herd. Maybe I should go from one wife to zero. Just kidding.
I know I can't do all the cars justice, but they aren't hurting anything, so what's the problem?

Right you are about the cars, Bob!
Well congrats on the retirement deal!

I have been since Feb of 2019. I have to be somewhat frugal with project cash, so only one project under a barn lean to, and just enough to keep it on the road. Just spent 27 bux on a Hurst Promatic spring repair kit.

What scares me now since I live alone is getting injured to the point where I can't take care of myself. I have the house, and sometimes I have to get on a ladder to keep it on the road.

My doctor tells me not to climb ladders.

Hope you get back in the game, get well.
Wow Eman, that's scary. And burns, especially from hot water hurt like hell. Hopefully your recovery continues ok.
Congratulations on retirement, hell of a way to start it though.
Congrats on retirement but remember... hot roddin' ain't for sissies! Get well soon!!!

E-man, don't scald yourself anymore.
Yes, I've got 9 cars which is more than I need. Wife says thin the herd. Maybe I should go from one wife to zero. Just kidding.
I know I can't do all the cars justice, but they aren't hurting anything, so what's the problem?

Hey bobw, think you could talk to my wife about that....;):D
Congratulation on the full retirement.
I too have had a radiator hose split hitting me just below the neck and down to my waist.
It took a while for it to heal to the point where it didn't make me sick every time the bandages were changed and the air would hit the wound.
Glad you're healing up, keep the ointment on till you do.
Well congrats on the retirement deal!

I have been since Feb of 2019. I have to be somewhat frugal with project cash, so only one project under a barn lean to, and just enough to keep it on the road. Just spent 27 bux on a Hurst Promatic spring repair kit.

What scares me now since I live alone is getting injured to the point where I can't take care of myself. I have the house, and sometimes I have to get on a ladder to keep it on the road.

My doctor tells me not to climb ladders.

Hope you get back in the game, get well.

Thanks Laz. Just don't take chances bud. Easy to say but try to consider the possible consequences every time.

Wow Eman, that's scary. And burns, especially from hot water hurt like hell. Hopefully your recovery continues ok.
Congratulations on retirement, hell of a way to start it though.

Thanks for congrats Bill. After three days the damage continued to get worse.
They told me that was normal with water burns.

Holy crap eman, hope it heals quick. I can hardly wait for the end of the month and retirement.

Thanks Dozer. Hooray for your retirement! I don't like to even think back about those working years. I'm happier pretending they never happened. :)

Congrats on retirement but remember... hot roddin' ain't for sissies! Get well soon!!!

LOL! Thanks Trip

Congratulation on the full retirement.
I too have had a radiator hose split hitting me just below the neck and down to my waist.
It took a while for it to heal to the point where it didn't make me sick every time the bandages were changed and the air would hit the wound.
Glad you're healing up, keep the ointment on till you do.

Really sorry to hear you had to experience this as well O.I. (shudder)

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