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Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 22, 2007
i'm home, now i have a lot of stuff to do. i got to do some bush hogging in between rain showers. then it's time to stand some post to start the new shop. i had planed to get my trusses down the weekend before last, but my grand mother and great aunt passed on the same day. that put a stop on my plans at the moment, so it is time to get moving again. i have been helping everybody else on all their stuff, we will see how many will jump in on my stuff. i really bet the only one's who will be there will be my father inlaw who is 74 years old and my grandson 13 years old. father inlaw always tries to take charge but really can't do much my grandson can be tough to work with too, but tries real hard. i think i'm gonna sale a few toy's too to thin out the herd, i just have to decide what i want to let go. everybody have a great day, i'm gonna rest today for work tomorrow. them 16 hour road trips are rough on me.
Good to see you made it back safe. I know the feeling on doing stuff for everybody else and letting your stuff go, I've been in that boat lately, too. My car has sat since the Berry show the last of April.:( I did turn it around yesterday so maybe I can pull the speedo drive to check the O ring.

You gonna make it to Jasper this Sat night? We have missed the first two, the Vette was down the first one, and we went to Tupelo and missed the second one. We plan on being there if at all possible this weekend.
at least you got two people on your team.
even if they are worthless at the task at hand.:D
these days it's the thought that counts for me.;)
Good to see you made it back safe. I know the feeling on doing stuff for everybody else and letting your stuff go, I've been in that boat lately, too. My car has sat since the Berry show the last of April.:( I did turn it around yesterday so maybe I can pull the speedo drive to check the O ring.

You gonna make it to Jasper this Sat night? We have missed the first two, the Vette was down the first one, and we went to Tupelo and missed the second one. We plan on being there if at all possible this weekend.

i'll try to remember and come by to talk for a few.
Welcome back. What are the plans for the new shop?

the main part is going to be 24' wide and 30' long. i'm trying to decide if i want 10' or 12' walls. i will be adding on to one side and have a 50' long 16' deep open side car port/shed building my father inlaw wants out of his yard. i just want some place to put all my tools and have a little room to work on my junk.

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