Thanks Inked Monkey!

Rat Rods Rule

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Reason 4

Ok, Inked,
The package came in today, of course I called Flat to let him know and of course he wanted me to open it to tell him what all was in it.........well, that's where it got interseting......I'm pulling out parts and styrofoam zig zag peanuts went every where, then the cats saw they are really all over the place but the funny part was, the kitten was having a ball with all of these lightning bolt looking peanuts, chasing them around and batting them all over the place, then a few got stuck to her 'bottom' from the static she caused, it flipped her out! I laughed so hard I thought my sides would split!!! So, I pull each thing out while telling Flat what they are and now my fingers and hands are black and so is my white cordless phone! Oh well, you made up for it while I was laughing at the cats, but hey, it's not the first time I have had nasty, greasy black hands from car parts and probably not the last. Just wanted you to know we got the parts and a great laugh too, can't wait for Flat to get home....he will probably get the peanuts back out just to get the cats going again! Never a dull moment around here!
Thanks for the stuff Inked! :)
Well I was gonna make a post like me and somebody else had going a while back, but the cat is outta the bag already. O-well...
Parts came in...Thanks a lot dude. Maybe I will be able to get it all painted, installed, and have working wipers now.
Glad I could help.
I'm laughing just picturing the cats!:D:D

That wiper motor was working a couple months ago, so hopefully it's still good. If there's anything else you need let me know.
Every time the UPS guy brings me car parts I get the parts and the 3 cats get the box. For some reason they love boxes and those plastic pillow packing thingies.

Bet that was a riot watching yours chase that stuff all over. :D:D:D

Hey Reason,
Years ago when the kids were little we had a couple of kittens, Grover and Cookie Monster...go figure. Anyway it was at Easter time and the boys had their baskets.

The kittens had gotten into them and injested some of the plastic "straw".
Nature took its course and we noticed the kittens being chased by some sting.

When the cats were caught and the piece of plastic was pulled from the source it was like pulling a sting on a wind up toy.:eek:

A few laps around the house and all was well....this went on for two days.:rolleyes:

That is tooooo funny!! :D :D
Reminds me of when Flat was over seas, at Christmas 2004, I was wrapping gifts and stuffing what I call 'Lazy Bags' (gift bags) and I tossed a bag to the side because it was too small for what I needed, well our cat Harley saw it laying on it's side and jumped into it, playing, so I started playing with him and the bag, well something spooked him, he jumped out and when he did he some how jumped thru the string carry handle and it got stuck around his big ole belly which spooked him even more, he started running thru the house like a crazed cat, literally up the walls, around the room, down into the playroom, me and the kids are trying our best to catch him but we are all laughing so hard the tears were blurring our vision, my daughter ran smack into the wall, which made everyone even more hysterical. Some how or another Harley got himself out of the bag and sat at the back door meowing very loudly wanting to go outside. Guess he figured it was safer to dodge cars than to be in the house where bags will attack you!! Oh man, I can't think about that with out getting cracked up! Flat called from Afghanistan shortly after this all happened, so you can imagine what happened when I tried to explain to him what just happened and why Britt had a bruise on her forehead. OMG it was just too funny! Man, kids and animals......there is no better way to get a good laugh, I guess that is why we have 3 kids and 4 animals.
How badly were you scratched up by pulling on this 'string'? I can only imagine the sounds those poor kittens made! :eek: Easter and Christmas are the two times thru out the year you have to watch cats, everything is interseting to them! :D

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