Thats it! I quit!

Rat Rods Rule

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Well at least you didn't touch the truck or Datsun....put the torch down and walk away if your get the urge
Been there... but I usually just go have a big ol martini!!! [ddd[ddd[ddd

dibs on the tools & the hot rods:D

0h, l'll be there thursday[ddd

See quitting smoking is harder then you think,

Nevermind Thursday...... I'm leaving now!
New Hampshire....... That's not that big of a state, I should be able to find you quick :)

Damn welding tables anyway [ddd

Haha! You guys crack me up! Thats why I know I am in the right place.[cl

Soo, the reason I quit...........for the day is because I had to go to my day job (Night job?):D

And I torched my welding table because 3 days ago I tripped over a pile of parts and fell into another. :mad: This is when I know it is time to clean my shop! So I have been cleaning, rearranging and finishing the new shop floor plan I stated about 2 months ago. The old welding table top is now going to be on the end and dead space not used by my CNC plasma. The TIG moved over next to the new welding table and all of the cutting stuff is now in one place along that wall next to the 8' X 18' steel surface plate I have on the floor.

All this so I can put the Datsun on the lift and the 50 cab on the plate.

It appears that I now have to lock my doors because all you scavengers are headed my way!:eek:
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Haha! You guys crack me up! Thats why I know I am in the right place.[cl

Soo, the reason I quit...........for the day is because I had to go to my day job (Night job?):D

And I torched my welding table because 3 days ago I tripped over a pile of parts and fell into another. :mad: This is when I know it is time to clean my shop! So I have been cleaning, rearranging and finishing the new shop floor plan I stated about 2 months ago. The old welding table top is now going to be on the end and dead space not used by my CNC plasma. The TIG moved over next to the new welding table and all of the cutting stuff is now in one place along that wall next to the 8' X 18' steel surface plate I have on the floor.

All this so I can put the Datsun on the lift and the 50 cab on the plate.

It appears that I now have to lock my doors because all you scavengers are headed my way!:eek:

Sooooooo..... Your NOT giving up [S aaaand your GONNA keep all your tools and toys [S

Well I supposes that's good for you, bad for those of us who were going to rummage through your shop and leave nothing but the useless stuff behind for you to clean up :D
although scavenger hunt in the good stuff would have been fun, we are glad you are getting to "make more room". This little thread caught my attention last night and I just couldnt wrap around a quitter with such a good habit. LOL[cl
Whew, I was just pulling into your drive when I got this alert on my phone so, I quietly turned around and came home [ddd
That, I quit, sounded pretty serious :(
Don't do that to us again please :confused:
Sounds like the new arrangement will work out well [cl [P
When ya have it done, we'll need pics to calm us down :D
Sorry Old Iron sometimes I just amuse myself (nobody else will let me do it!) and I realise I do have a warped sense of humor. Carry on! I will be back in the shop hopefully finishing the move so I can get back to work on my junks. [P
I get it

I hear ya! I have only an 18 x 29 space to work and store parts in, so I have a "foldable" welding table in the works. Think large, metal card table. But with heavy, removable legs. When I get back to it, I'll post pics.

Meanwhile, have fun!


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