How's your weather????

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2013
Northern Michigan
Plow guy just got here.It's 6:30 p.m.
He said he's been pushing snow since 2:30 a.m this morning.
Just got to love winter.:eek: [ddd
p.s. He plowed us out just yesterday and it looked pretty much the same.:eek:


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None of that stuff {yet}, but plenty of rain and cold. Got another 2" this week, then it turned cold again. Cold, warms a bit, rains, cold again. My yard is like a soggy sponge.

But it's about 6 weeks until spring! [cl[cl[cl
I'm 1000 + miles from the great lakes and I've never been out that way, but I understand all hell can come from the lakes...

We don't get severe snowfall on the prairies anymore, unlike the '70's when buildings and power poles blew completely over with white camouflage... anyhow, the forecast is calling for an arctic blizzard/blast of '70's proportions... the next few days will tell, but I doubt we'll be snowed in hard like days past...

At home, nasty. Here in Florida, cool in the morning but mid 60's in the afternoon. Going to the drag races tomorrow.
50 & lil cloudy! Workin' in the shop's been nice! :D

Torchie... can't go there!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I'm about 10 mile from Lake Michigan as the snow er.... crow flies.[ddd
I used to love winter but since I lost the leg it's just getting harder for me to get out and around. I never know what the parking lots or sidewalks are going to be like when I get there.
And to add insult to injury we are looking at some really cold weather as well. Predicted low for Sunday night is -11. predicted highs for next Tuesday and Weds is -2.:eek: Of course those are the days of my next cataract surgery and one day post op.
I can almost hear the propane tank emptying.:eek:
I'm 1000 + miles from the great lakes and I've never been out that way, but I understand all hell can come from the lakes...

We don't get severe snowfall on the prairies anymore, unlike the '70's when buildings and power poles blew completely over with white camouflage... anyhow, the forecast is calling for an arctic blizzard/blast of '70's proportions... the next few days will tell, but I doubt we'll be snowed in hard like days past...

Yep Doc. Nothing like "Lake Effect" snow when it dumps on you. Where I used to live was right next to Lake Michigan and many times it would skip when it hit the Michigan side and dump right beyond where I lived. Now I'm right in the middle of the snow globe.[ddd And our weather pattern has changed over the years as well.
I'm in San Diego right now. Weather's great! 😁

50 & lil cloudy! Workin' in the shop's been nice! :D

Torchie... can't go there!!! :eek::eek::eek:


Had a nice bike ride today, 72 and sunny. [cl
If your one that get the cold white stuff you have my sympathy!![P

T shirt weather. But we waited inside in the a/c all summer for it. Only
San Diego gets to have it both ways.
I have friends in San Diego. They love it there.
We've had quite the range this week, from -23C last Sunday night, to +7C on Wednesday. Today is high of -8, and supposedly dropping to -23 again this coming week. This is the first year in quite a few that the river has completely frozen over. I look forward to the grinding and crashing when the ice goes out this spring!


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We are looking at another possible 10 inches of snow before Tuesday. I am sure we are below average still but it's a bummer when it all comes down at once.:eek:
Our weather is crazy. Last Thursday was the coldest day of the winter so far- 21 with -39 wind chill, Friday warmed to +1 tonight and tomorrow it's supposed to pour rain. :eek::eek:
Going to be cold here in central Florida this upcoming week. Upper 50's & 60's F for highs. Low of 38°F Wednesday morning :eek:
Going to be cold here in central Florida this upcoming week. Upper 50's & 60's F for highs. Low of 38°F Wednesday morning :eek:

That's T shirt weather for this polar bear. (Yes, I'm abnormal, born with a HIGH thermostat.)

I'm in San Diego right now. Weather's great! ��

I have friends in San Diego. They love it there.

I have relatives in San Diego. I'm not sure how (or why) my grandfather settled here... 40 years too late to ask him...

The weather: Last weekend I was at my buddy B-tard's place. I usually answer the call of nature behind his shop. That day, it was -25° with an evil, wicked wind chill something north of -45° ... anyhow, nature called, I stepped out, turned the corner, headed for my spot and turned back. The wind was so cold, I feared my spigot would freeze solid and break off. (Hold this B-tard, We're going to the ER.)

That's my weather story for today. Tomorrow, we're supposed to approach the freezing point and we'll receive one of eleven predictions, some of which include freezing rain, 10 inches of snow, high winds and/or the second coming of Christ. [S

Torchie: I have a damaged (delicate) back and terrible knees. A nasty slip or fall can (and has) laid me out for weeks... the first episode, way back in my 20's. I won't say "I feel your pain" because I can't. I will say, I tread lightly on snow and ice, because I'm not a fan of laid out. :mad:


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