Lock down poker run NZ

Rat Rods Rule

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Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
new zealand
Any other places of the world want to run with this ????

NZ Hot Rod Association Inc
· March 27 ·

The New Zealand Hot Rod Association is proud to present our inaugural "National Lock-down Poker Run"
Sunday 29th March 2020.
So gather your lock down family together, polish up the hot rod and pile them all in, for a fun trip out of the house during these trying times.
Where; Gather in the garage at your place.
When; 11am sharp. (we won't be waiting for stragglers)
Who; All of your lock down family.

Once the crew have all assembled and are safely on board we will set off.

Destination; Your own letter box!

Upon arrival at your letter box, each member of the crew will pick a card from the well shuffled pack and mark with their name.

Head back to your garage/house before repeating the process 4 more times to gather a hand of cards to enter. (PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT! PICK A CARD AND STICK WITH IT!)
Once a full hand of cards has been collected, marked and photographed for each player. Post up the pictures as a comment on this post to go into the draw to win a picture of the winners trophy (which we will present to the winner).

We would also love to see pictures taken during the journey, you could even dress up in appropriate lock down get ups if you wish and share the fun with us all.

This is not a NZHRA sanctioned event so no fender exemptions will be signed.

So get on board and join us for the inaugural NZHRA National Lock down Poker Run this Sunday.
Please ensure that you check all of the cars vital fluids and take this opportunity to give your hot rod a good warm up.........and the neighbours something to moan about.

No playing cards in the house?
Don't panic, print some like I did!


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I'll be there in sprit. From garage to letter box is only 19 ft. And the hot rod is just a frame.
But I love the way you people think [cl
crate kills us with a lousy pair of fours. :D

We're isolating indefinitely and I'm bored as hell.

Anybody interested in playing long distance poker this way? Maybe a handful of rounds like photo contest style? Suggestions? "Booby prize" to the winner?


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