Can't attatch pics or emoticons

Rat Rods Rule

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Checking if I can post pics and stuff.

Looks like I can do pictures but not emojis? (Head scratch guy)

This is a mini bike I picked up for a buddy of mine. Not going to end up Rat style. Probably going to be Mad Max style build


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test for pic. pic works no emoji


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For a few weeks now I can't post emojis or pictures the old way, but I have learned a new way to get pictures on the threads. Also, if someone else posts multiple pictures I can't change pictures by clicking on the 'next' button because it isn't there. It's all fairly frustrating because I'm computer dumbed down.
Checking if I can post pics and stuff.

Looks like I can do pictures but not emojis? (Head scratch guy)

This is a mini bike I picked up for a buddy of mine. Not going to end up Rat style. Probably going to be Mad Max style build

cool bike ...! makes me think of the mini bike in Vanishing Point... :cool:
For a few weeks now I can't post emojis or pictures the old way, but I have learned a new way to get pictures on the threads. Also, if someone else posts multiple pictures I can't change pictures by clicking on the 'next' button because it isn't there. It's all fairly frustrating because I'm computer dumbed down.

Yes, same for me. I can't use any of the emoji buttons or any of the buttons above the text box when writing a reply, so I can't post links or images that way. I can attach them but don't have the "next" button on the images same as you. I think there's something broken with the forum as I have tried a lot of things on my system and have tried different devices and connections.

The only way I'm able to post emojis or links is by cheating and typing the code in.
I have no issues right now, but I have in the past... I've found Windows 10, security and firewall software/updates can, and will interfere.

I log in here...

You'll notice the address prefix is http: NOT https:

The s in https connects you to the "secure" site, like your bank, or any site dealing with your credit card and personal information should...

Straight from my friend and IT expert (former gov't systems manager) logging in to the "not secure" site causes you no harm, as long as you don't post critical personal information on the public board. Posting on a public board is.... public. (PM's are secure through some sort of encryption and completely safe, aside from a whiz-kid hacker genius.)

At any speed, I've been logging in to since my friend enlightened me. No ill effects.

I hope this babbling helps somebody...


I did what the Dr. ordered and my emojis are back. I clicked his link without the "s" in it. [cl[cl
Also fixed the looking at pictures by clicking on the "NEXT" button instead of having to close each one and open next one.
Now if I could figure out how to post pictures full size without them being a thumbnail you have to click on??
Glad to be of assistance, guys. :D

Now if I could figure out how to post pictures full size without them being a thumbnail you have to click on??

I tried, in vain, to demonstrate here...

How to Post Full Size Pictures

I've called on Cranky Junior to help me create a step by step video tutorial... I promise you nothing, but it shouldn't be too, too hard... [S

Glad to be of assistance, guys. :D

I tried, in vain, to demonstrate here...

How to Post Full Size Pictures

I've called on Cranky Junior to help me create a step by step video tutorial... I promise you nothing, but it shouldn't be too, too hard... [S


That post is 2 years old. I missed it or didn't know to look for it. So thanks for showing me the way. Next time I try to post pics I'll follow the Drs orders and make them proper.

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