Paranormal, Inhuman and Other Mysterious Stuff

Rat Rods Rule

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BH, Now I'm really scared!!!

Wonder why all these paranormal critters don't do anything useful???
This isn't in the paranormal realm, just something very strange that happened to me one time. In about 1977 I had a business meeting in NYC and took my family along so we could sightsee a little. We drove up and the last day we were there it started to snow and snow and snow, so we decided we better hit the road before it got too bad.

We were driving on Rt 80 out of NY to Pittsburgh, it is a 4 lane road, and as night hit we were in the middle of a blizzard and you could barely see in front of you. We were in our station wagon with my two young Sons sleeping in the back and I was trying to follow trailer trucks so they would cut a path for me.

On one turn I lost it and the car veered off the highway and started going down an embankment at full speed and right in front of us was a huge highway sign. It was one of those ones with two posts and some information printed on it. There was nothing I could do to avoid it and as the car was ready to smash into it my wife and I screamed, closed our eyes, and braced for impact. But I never felt the hit so I opened my eyes and the car was coming to a stop.

I got out to see how bad the car was damaged but there was nothing. Then I looked back to where the sign was and there was nothing there. My Wife even got out and said "Where did the sign go?" It should have been right there behind us but there was nothing but our tire tracks. Somehow I got the car started and drove out of there and all the way home we kept asking each other if we really were going to smash into that sign, and we agreed it was definitely there.:eek: It was all we could talk about.

I don't know if someone was looking out for us or what and to this day don't know how that happened.

psychic ability

My wife says I'm Psychic, I know things before they happen, response to her is DUHHHH lady pay attention my underwear say Medium.

LOL seriously though I know things about places and things for no reason. Not something that I could sit down and tell the future but like an hour before something happens I realize that I already know the outcome. Nothing lifesaving or anything just weird stuff.
ok the preacher hasta jump in this...;)

perhaps the strangest thing that has happened to me recently was i opened my wallet the other day and there was actually a little money in it!:eek:

.....strange indeed considering Christmas shopping season is here...[ddd

what did u expect?:rolleyes:[cl
anybody ever ponder how many tires wear out on u.s. highways..... where does all that rubber go? [S

mysterious indeed.........[ddd[ddd[ddd
I've got one corner of our property that has always give me the creeps..never seen anything, but just always makes the hair on my arms stand up..come to find out from my wifes dad told us that her grandpa had issues with the same piece of ground..he just wouldn't go on it for any wife has seen the image of an indian warrior in the house probably a dozen times..he has even said things to her..she tells him to leave and he will be gone for several months before he comes back..I've heard footsteps when nobody was there, but haven't seen anyone..

I built our house myself 6 years ago, so I gotta think it has something to do with the property..

I like hearing about this kind of stuff..

My family has a cabin in an old ghost town named Whitney in Oregon. It used to be the post office. I was 17 and my grandpa that I am named after died a few months before. We were elk hunting and I slept in a separate room alone. About 3:30 in the morning I woke up with the feeling someone was watching me. I saw a figure wearing a blue jacket and a hat with ear flaps, I told it to leave me alone thinking the guy's were messing with me. No response. I sat up and tried to slap it nothing happened. I sat further up and tried twice more, this time my arm went through it up to my elbow. I was out of a fully zipped sleaping bag quicker than I ever have and jumped on my dad's sleeping bag. I asked him if it was possible for someone to do the flashlight under the chin trick from outside the window in my room. Dad showed me where the window was covered in plywood and black sheeting around it, no way to see through it. The figure reminded me of grandpa but his face was shadowy and unclear. I still will not sleep in that room, I have slept alone in the cabin since then though. All the guy's but dad didn't believe me though.
Ok...might be long winded, but you got to read the whole story.

In my mid-20's I was renting a house with my brother and a friend of his. My brother was off with the Marines in Iraq so it was just me and my brother's friend Danny and my dog (boxer) named Sadie. Sadie was one of those dogs that was extremely intelligent...almost human. When we first moved in we all noticed that things like keys would go missing then turn up on a table by the front door nearly every time. Wallets, sunglasses and such as well. Never really thought anything of it until I came home one day and Danny was white as a ghost...pun intended. He was a drunk so I just thought he was sick. I asked if he was ok and his word were "This house is haunted". He said that the lights up stairs were blinking off and on and Sadie was at the foot of the stairs barking and whining for most of the day. Sadie only barked at people she knew to be shady or if we were playing. I didn't notice at the time while I was talking to Danny, but Sadie was whimpering at my feet...once again something she never did. I didn't really believe in this stuff so I called our landlord and they sent out an electrician who checked everything said that there was nothing wrong with the wiring or fixtures. Two days after that I came home and when I opened the door Sadie came running out of the house and would not go back in...once again...never did that before. Had to drag her in. I sit down on the couch and looked around and see things knocked off the tables and such...almost like there was a fight in the living room. Sadie was frantic. Danny came home and I told him what happen...he moved out the next day stating that he had come home for lunch that day and the lights were going crazy and Sadie was growling at him...something she never did before. The night after Danny moved out I woke up to Sadie barking and running around the room...then she stopped sat down in the middle of the room and peed herself. I thought that was enough...I grabbed her and went to my mom and dad's down the road. As we were pulling out of the driveway the lights in the upstairs windows were blinking on and off.

The kicker: about five years later I was bar tending at a local joint. It was closing time, but we always had regulars that would hang out as we were cleaning up...doors locked after party kind of thing. Everyone started telling ghost stories. I never really told this story to anyone till then. Everyone started taking jabs at me and calling BS. I had driven by that house a few times in that five year period and every time it gave me the creeps. I told them that I would drive them by there that night and said that they would get the creeps too...boy was that an understatement! I had a van at the time and five people with me. We drove up to the house and all the lights were off and a for sale sign out front. I wouldn't get out of the guy did and walked up to the front was about 3am. The moment he stepped on the porch the lights in the upstairs windows started to blink on and off. Everyone started freaking out and one guy accused me of staging this...I told him really..."Well go knock on the door...but don't look back for your ride because it's leaving". The guy that walked up to the door ran back and we left. As we drove away I looked in the rear view mirror and I saw something, and this will sound crazy, but it looked like someone standing in the middle of the road behind us to say goodbye. True story.

Ever since I was a kid, strange things happened to me. One day, my Mother bought a Ouija board. My Mother was trying to get it to work with my brother and sister, but it wouldn't move. My Mother called me over and asked me to touch the pointer since weird things always happen to me. I took my "pinkie" finger and touched the pointer and it went nuts. Being extremely shy, I wouldn't talk to girls, so the big question was, who would I marry. The ouija board gave the initials J.B.. 5 years later, I met my wife, Janet Bailey...............
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I got out to see how bad the car was damaged but there was nothing. Then I looked back to where the sign was and there was nothing there. My Wife even got out and said "Where did the sign go?" It should have been right there behind us but there was nothing but our tire tracks. Somehow I got the car started and drove out of there and all the way home we kept asking each other if we really were going to smash into that sign, and we agreed it was definitely there.:eek: It was all we could talk about.

I don't know if someone was looking out for us or what and to this day don't know how that happened.


Hand of God kind of things like that have happened to me before as well. When I was a young teen I lived in a townhouse with my family. Our backyard was up against a construction site where they were building more townhouses. My friends and I would go climbing through the houses at night...pitch black One time I was walking across the third floor plywood when it felt like someone put a hand on my shoulder. I stopped and turned around, no one was there...I then looked down to see that my next step would have been a plung three stories to the concrete basement.
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Came home from work one day and came into the den here to fire up the computer like i always do, but noticed a puddle of water under the coffee table. I was living here by myself at this time so i thought i had knocked over a glass the night before. Sitting at the computer i hear water dripping on the coffee table. I finally look up at the ceiling fan and was stunned to see the bowl shaped light on it is half full to the top with had not rained in Phoenix in months and the roof doesn't leak anyway. It never happened again.

Water in the ceiling fan leaks, no rain, no that is really air.......condensation? [S
Came home from work one day and came into the den here to fire up the computer like i always do, but noticed a puddle of water under the coffee table. I was living here by myself at this time so i thought i had knocked over a glass the night before. Sitting at the computer i hear water dripping on the coffee table. I finally look up at the ceiling fan and was stunned to see the bowl shaped light on it is half full to the top with had not rained in Phoenix in months and the roof doesn't leak anyway. It never happened again.

I assume even Ghosts have to pee!!:D
Came home from work one day and came into the den here to fire up the computer like i always do, but noticed a puddle of water under the coffee table. I was living here by myself at this time so i thought i had knocked over a glass the night before. Sitting at the computer i hear water dripping on the coffee table. I finally look up at the ceiling fan and was stunned to see the bowl shaped light on it is half full to the top with had not rained in Phoenix in months and the roof doesn't leak anyway. It never happened again.

I am pretty sure you should call the electric company and complain. Obviously they are not drying out the electricity very well before sending to your house.
They have an obligation to keep the moisture content of said elecricity to a minimum so as not to cause these kinds of conditions. What if the water company sent water with too much electricity in it? Think how dangerous taking a bath would be. You have to keep those guys in check, Lord knows the utility commissioner can't do it all. :rolleyes:
About 3 years ago, I was in the shower getting ready to go to work. I got a funny feeling started at my toes. It moved up through my body and into my throat. I blurted out, "It's Barbara's birthday!". Barbara was an old girlfriend I hadn't seen in 32 years, but we recently reconnected. Now, I never new Barbara's birthday as we were only together for a couple of months. The feeling was so strong, I sent her an e-card. That morning, she called me at work. I asked her if she had opened her e-mail, she said no, so I told her Happy Birthday. She asked how I knew. I told her I got a weird feeling and I sent her an e-card. She didn't believe me.

2 weeks later, I was in the kitchen with my wife. I told my wife Barbara was going to call and ask why we broke up. The next day, I got a phone call at work, it was Barbara. I said, "You want to ask me something!". She said, "Do you remember why we broke up?". That night, my wife asked if Barbara called. I said yes. My wife said, "So, did she ask?". I said yes. My wife laughed, she's use to it.............
I had an old girlfriend from H/School send me a card..

All my wife wanted to know was "Why"?????....:eek:[S "how the heck do I know?"....
When I was little we lived in this rental house that was set off the road actualy behind the main orginal house. Had a very thick wooded area behind our house. We used to have big barn-fires out to the side of the house. I remember one time we were having a fire and someone was whistleing in the woods. My step-father and his friends went into the woods and chased the person around in the woods quite a few nights, but never caught the whistler. Years passed and we moved away. Like 5 years later there was an article in the paper that they had caught the Joliet Nightstalker. Guy would creep into girls rooms and rape and kill them. Come to find out, it was the guy that lived in the house in front of ours. This guy and his wife actualy babysat me on numerous occations. creepy!

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