It's just a little surface rust!
Due to my work and family schedule this past year, I've only been to 2 local cruises. Not to mention my lack of garage time! So when I heard about the show at Macungie Pa. I knew I had to go no matter what. I started out early, stopped for gas so I wouldn't have to delay any more, when I was coming back outside of the station after paying for my fuel, I lost it on the curb and went down hard on the concrete. Sitting there or rather laying there, I'm waiting to feel the pain from a broken ankle, but only marginal pain. Just a bad sprain. I can still make it! I drive off to the local wall mart and hobble inside to get an ace bandage, yeah, that'll help. I make it to the show 2 and a half hours later and have to park about 5 blocks away. Man it hurts by now. BUT I'M HERE!. I wander around for most of the day too. Figure I'll pay the price tommorow, so what. Grab a burger and rootbeer(something I hardly ever do), sit at the grandstand and listen to the band. Yellowjackets are swarming most of us with food, what a pain. They seem to want my rootbeer, can't have it though, except for the one who was near the palm of my right hand that I didn't see. You guessed it, stung me in the palm. Man what else can go wrong today, I must not be livin right!
I made it home safely and my wife can't figure out if I'm obsessive, neurotic about cars, or just plain crazy. Anybody else have this sickness?
..As soon as my computer gets fixed, I'll post some pics of a lot a rats and a few race cars. Kinda long, I know, but nothing else to do while the swelling goes down.....CR