Elegant decay aka the "Ratty Caddy."

Rat Rods Rule

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That's a lot of trim parts Torchie! Good thing they are all there.

I scuffed up my truck with a green scotch brite pad and CLR, then applied the Sweet Patina. Wasn't any more difficult than washing and waxing a shiney car, but WAY more rewarding. I very surprised at how it treated both the surface rust and the remaining paint. Darkened it way down and I loved the look. The only problem I had was the smell - kinda smelled like BBQ sauce so it was making me hungry!
Thanks for the Patina sauce info, Bill.
Good thing there are all the trim parts there as they are $$$$$$
The most important part I found was something that many would have tossed out for scrap.:eek:
It's those 2 rusty pieces of sheet metal you see in the pictures.
Pic.1. The original color on the Cadillac is the "French Gray" you see at the top of the chart. Kind of boring. I like the way it looks now, much better.:eek::eek: :D :cool: :cool:
Pic.2. You can see the remnants of the extension on what's left of the original rocker. These are not made anymore.
Pic.3-4. What you are looking at is a set of Rocker extensions that fit against the rocker and under the rear door.
This fills in the gap where the bulge on the rear door overhangs the outside of the rocker.
Pics 5-6. Pics tell the rest of the story.
I looked at half a dozen sets of new skins and not one of them have these on them.
And I question wether any of them would even come close to fitting. I will start out using the replacement skins that were so poorly fitted on the car when I got it.
And see how it goes from there.[;) [;) [;)
Keep on keeping on....


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Glad to see your keeping on [cl
Progress is good [;)

Thanks soltz.:)
More keeping on.
We got the shop presentable then moved the custom across the back of the shop.
We managed to get the Ratty one in too.:eek: :cool:
Am I a weak, materialistic, shallow person because this makes me smile?.......NAW! Just a car nut.:p :D :cool: :cool:
I know it looks cramped but I have full, non trip, access to 3 sides of the Dodge. Same as before. I will be picking up the welding in the trunk area once I get started.
I also have full 3 sided access to the Cadillac.
Once I start on that It will be the DS rocker, which is facing out.[cl[;) [;)
It would be great to have another set of wheel dollies but I can think of 100 ways to better spend that money.
My brother tired to put the hood hinges on. These were designed to come off/on from the bottom with the car on a hoist. We are still imagineering on that.:eek:
Tomorrow we are heading to the Daughters for Mothers day. Most likely sometime this coming week before I get to it in earnest.[cl[cl
Keep on keeping on......


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Some times you just have to stop and clean up so you can make another mess!
Looking good. I'm about 3 or 4 months past the point of needing to clean up. But it's on the list.[S[S

You are an inspiration to me Torchie..Carry on [P:cool::cool:[cl
Thanks POPS and Bill.
Its amazing how fast the shop can get cluttered up, POPS.
I agree withe the energy that a new project brings, Bill.
The Cadillac brings that and so much more.
Did I need it. No.
Is that money better spent on the Dodge. You bet.
The Caddy , to me, is more like a big middle finger to all those that told me i should have just given up last winter.
Not only am i not giving up. I’m taking on more.
I guess thats just the kind of person i am.:eek: [ddd :p
Thanks gang.
It was a lot rougher of a winter then I let on dutch.
Mostly people that didn't like seeing me suffer. I think it was well meant but misguided. Lol
People don't always know what to say to people that are ill. And what they do say doesn't always come out right.
I get it, but thats just not my nature.
Anyway. I am still here.😎
Low Budget. You and I are of the same mindset.
I just fell hard for this car from the first time i saw a picture. And as you all know its just like me to drag home something most wouldn't give a second thought to.
My thought was that i could part it out and make some money. Now that i have a new, clear, clean , current Michigan title for her its full steam ahead.:cool: [;)[;)
Stay tuned car fans........
Cooler here today so I did some more clean out on the Cadillac.
Found some stuff. Mostly rust holes.:eek::D [;)[;)
Keep on keeping on......


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Interior needs work.:D Good luck with the Caddy.

Thanks Bob.
Mrs T came out into the shop and was looking at the Caddy......:eek:
Mrs.T......"Why do all the cars you buy have floor rust."
Me..... "With my budget you are lucky they have wheels.".....:p
After I worked on the Dodge I turned my attention to old Ratty.
They don't make replacement rockers for this car. Regardless of what you may see. These are a terrible fit. And yes they need a good blasting.
They stick way out past the outer edge of the door.:eek:
They don't have the rear door bulge extensions, either.:eek::eek:
And as can be seen in the pics. Yes there is floor work to do.[;) [;) [;)
More slicing and dicing for Torchie.
Remember. The plan is to leave the outside just as it is. The only repair work will be to make things structuraly sound. Like the rockers and the floor.
Come up with a cheap interior for it and then see where we go from there.
Keep on keeping on.......


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My buddy bought a full set of seats off of marketplace for his wagon. Dirt cheap and they look good. Power and heated. They fit very good .

Keep in trucking. This is so cool!


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